Marc checks out the handiwork on the new wall we put up. “I’m really liking this backroom.”

Cam grins proudly. “Yeah. Cases of beer are heavy. We didn’t want to have to carry them up and down the stairs, so we made a storage room.”

“Smart thinking,” he responds. “So, what do you think you’ll end up doing with the upstairs?”

“We haven’t really figured that out yet,” I admit. “It’s big enough to be a damn apartment, though, so the opportunities are endless.”

Cam snickers. “Maybe I’ll move up there. Get the fuck out of my parents’ house.”

It’s not a bad idea, honestly. The location is perfect, and his commute to work would consist of walking down the stairs. There’s just one problem.

“We don’t have a kitchen, my guy. And you eat more than anyone I know.”

He looks disappointed, but only for a second. “Eh, so I’ll live on takeout. You do it.”

“Not anymore,” I correct him. “I’m a married man now. Went all domesticated and got myself a wife.”

“Get the fuck out of here,” Marc shouts. “Yougot married?”

I run my thumb over the L that’s permanently inked into my skin. “Yep. Asked Laiken to marry me and we had a tiny ceremony in our living room a few days later.”

He chuckles. “You knock her up or something?”

Cam cringes. “Don’t askherthat. She’ll rip your head right off.”

He’s not lying. “Nah. Just knew what I wanted and went for it. Life’s short and all that shit.”

“Yeah, right.” Cam rolls his eyes. “It was a cross between his tendency to become a possessive caveman when it comes to her and wanting to be my brother-in-law so badly he was willing to sell his soul to the devil for it to happen.”

I snort. “Did you just insinuate that your sister is the devil?”

“Absolutely. I love her, but she’s ruthless.” He puts his hand on my shoulder. “Best of luck to you. Please know there are no returns. All sales are final.”

Marc leans against the wall and crosses his arms over his chest. “It’s going to be fun to see you two running this place together. You should serve popcorn.”

But all I can think is that if he thinks we’re entertaining, wait until he sees Laiken and Mali together. Nowthatdeserves popcorn.

THE ONLY THING WORSEthan having to do on this double date is having to wear a suit to it. I don’t do formalwear. Hell, I didn’t even wear a full suit at our wedding, and that’s not because it was in our house. It may be September, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fucking hot out. No one wants to wear a jacket in this shit. But the place Monty chose has a dress code we have to abide by.

Monty’s suit looks like it costs more than my house, and the diamond necklace Mali is wearing tells me he thinks her affection is up for sale and he’s going to be the highest bidder. As Laiken and I got closer, Mali started to become one of my closest friends. It’s not just Laiken I’m looking out for.

It's her, too.

The hostess leads us to our table in the VIP section. I mean, really, he couldn’t be showing off any more if he tried. We all sit down and I barely get to look at the menu before a man comes over to say hello.

“Montgomery Rollins,” he greets him. “It’s great to see you again. How’s your dad?”

Monty smiles at him. “He’s great. Making some great changes in the political world.”

“I’ve noticed. That’s fantastic.” He looks around the table. “So, who are the fine people you have with you tonight?”

He puts an arm around Mali. “This is my girlfriend, Mali, my friend Laiken, and her boyfriend, Hayes.”

His words surprise me. Either he did it on purpose to undermine our relationship, or he doesn’t know. And judging by how Laiken makes no move to correct him, I’m guessing it’s the latter.

“Husband, actually,” I say, putting out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mister…”

“Augustus,” he fills in and shakes my head. “The pleasure is mine.”