His shoulders sag, and he tries to reach out for me. “I don’t want to fight with you. Not over him. That prick doesn’t get to rip us apart again.”

But his words aren’t making me feel any better. “Might I remind youthat prickis the one who saved my brother from prison? Yourbest friend?”

“Oh, so that just makes him a good guy? You’re seriously defending him right now after what he did?”

“I thought he made up for it after he helped us when he didn’t have to.” But before I say anything else, I stop and take a step backward, chuckling dryly as I shake my head. “No. You know what? I’m not doing this right now. Come home after you sort your shit out and realize that one mistake does not define someone. You of all people should be grateful for that.”

I turn around and leave him standing there.

So much for newlywed bliss.

Why isit that every time Laiken and I are truly happy, this fucker has to come in and ruin it? He has enough money to be dating a goddamn supermodel, and he chooses my wife’s best friend? I don’t fucking buy it. He’s up to something, and he’s using Mali. There’s no other explanation.

Laiken pushes past me as she and Mali leave. I don’t try to stop her. Right now, she’s angry. And for what it’s worth, so am I. She knows everything he did, and yeah, he may have helped Cam out, but if what Owen said was right and he’s friends with Isaac, who’s to say he didn’t have a hand in what happened in the first place?

I go upstairs to find Cam leaning against the wall. He’s frustrated—at himself probably, or at Mali for not turning Monty down. Who really knows? But I’m too pissed to handle him with kid gloves right now.

“You just had to be all sensitive and worry about if you’re the right guy for her or not, didn’t you?”Yeah, I know. I’m a fucking hypocrite.“Couldn’t have just made a move on her when I told you to?”

“Fuck off, Wilder,” he growls.

“Why? Because you know I’m right?” I sneer. “If you had grown a pair and asked her out, she wouldn’t be dating Mr. Moneybags.”

“You think I don’t know that?” he snaps, throwing the hammer to the floor. “You think I’m not kicking myself in the ass for it? But what the fuck am I supposed to do? I can’t even be angry about it, because the guy might be a douchebag, but I owe him my freedom.”

I scoff, throwing my hands in the air. “What the fuck is with you Blanchards and thinking that prick is some knight in shining armor? Shit like this is the reason he has a goddamn complex to begin with.”

Cam’s brows furrow. “Why are you even so pissed off about this? I know why I don’t like him, but I can’t wrap my head around why you don’t.”

“Because he wants Laiken. That’s why he threatened me and told me to break up with her or he was going to tell you.”

“Okay. That’s a dick move on his part, sure. But that led to you telling me and now you two are fucking married. You’re still friends with Lucas, and he openly wants her. So why do you hate Monty so damn much?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, exhaling heavily. The truth about the sex tape is on the tip of my tongue, but I hold it back. Nothing good would come from him knowing about that. Especially right after learning that Mali is dating him now.

He would kill him, and we’re trying to keep himoutof prison, not look for reasons to put him in it.

“You’re right.” He’s not, but I pretend to cave to end this shitshow. “I should just let it go.”

Cam hums. “You should. At least you won…unlike me.”

“Could always go after her anyway,” I suggest. “Be honest with her.”

He shakes his head. “Nah. He’s the better guy for her, even if he is a tool. He’ll make her happy.”

That’s bullshit and we both know it. It was all over both their faces today. She didn’t look the slightest bit happy about her new relationship status, and if she didn’t have feelings for Cam, she wouldn’t have looked to him for his approval.

A part of her wanted him to fight for her.

To tell her to be with him instead.

To tell heranythingexcept what he did.

But there’s no getting through to him right now. Not when the wound is still fresh. Besides, Mali is a smart girl. Whatever Monty is up to, she’ll figure it out and dump his ass when she does.

I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.

HAVING TO APOLOGIZE FORhating a guy that would end my marriage if given the chance feels a lot like cruel torture. It’s still grinding on my nerves that Laiken defended him to me after what he did. But then again, she doesn’t know the full story.