Looking over at Laiken, she smiles and winks at me.

The fact that she is currently getting an H inked onto her ring finger speaks to the possessive side of me. The side of me that wants to knock a guy out just for looking at her too long. She will forever be marked with my initial, and so will I—with the L on my ring finger to match.

“It surprised me, too,” I admit. “But fuck, man. I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

He chuckles. “I can tell. You’re different with her.”

It’s not the first time I’ve heard that, and I’m sure it won’t be the last, because Iamdifferent with her. She makes me want to be a better person. Someone deserving of her. Someone worth spending a life with. And I don’t know if I’m ever going to fully get there, but I do know that I’ll never stop trying.

“You doing okay?” I call across the room.

Laiken nods. “Yep, but you might not be when Mali sees that you branded me.”

Yeah, maybe I should’ve thought of that beforehand.

THEORETICALLY, I SHOULD BEsomewhere tropical right now. With Laiken in my lap and a drink in my hand, living the good life of being on a honeymoon. But when you’re in the process of turning a former surf shop into a bar, and you all but sprinted down the aisle, there isn’t much time for that.

The place is finally coming along, though. We found a guy who could build the bar exactly how I want it, and while it may have cost me more than I would have liked, it’ll be worth it. Cam and I have the same vision when it comes to this place, and we’re not willing to sacrifice that because the price is a little higher.

We’re going through which kinds of beer we want to carry when Laiken storms in, clearly frustrated. She throws her bag down and crosses her arms while she glares at Cam.

“Dude, what did you do?” I ask him.

He’s just as clueless as I am. “Fuck if I know.”

She’s not saying anything, but she looks pissed. Livid, even. Like she’s ready to burn the whole world to the ground. Meanwhile, neither one of us seem to want to poke the bear.

“You ask her,” I say, nudging him.

He shakes his head. “Fuck that. She’syourwife.”

Hell yeah she is, but I prefer calm and happy Laiken—this demon version he can keep. “It’s not me she’s murdering with her eyes.” She glances at me and I wince. “Or at least it wasn’t.”

Cam sighs and gives in before she paints the walls red. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Your mother is a crazy person, that’s what,” she snaps.

He purses his lips, looking even more confused. “That’s funny. I always thought we had the same mother.”

“Nuh-uh. No.” She shakes her head. “I’m not taking ownership for this woman.”

Grabbing the laptop from us, she slams her fingers on a few keys and then spins it back around. Cam tries not to laugh as his mom’s picture sits above a plethora of nursery images.

“She has a whole Pinterest board! And it’spublic!” she shrieks. “All throughout today’s lessons, the parents were congratulating me on my bundle of joy. One even told me I shouldn’t be ice skating inmy condition.”

Cam snorts, going back to beer selections, while I walk around the table. I gently place my hands on her waist, and she melts into me. Pouting, she rests her head on my chest.

“I had to run out of there when Mrs. Timmons started telling me how her vagina ripped all the way to her asshole.”

I freeze for a moment. That’s…disturbing. My fingers lace into her hair as I kiss the top of her head, and once again, the thought of her all big and pregnant with my baby doesn’t make me want to run for the hills. Hell, the idea of having a family is even a little appealing.

“Would it really be the worst idea?” I ask softly. “Having a baby?”

She backs away and raises her brows at me. “Did you not hear me?Her vagina ripped to her asshole.What part of that doesn’t sound like the worst idea of all time?”

Chuckling, I shrug. “I don’t know. I kind of like the idea of you all cute and knocked up with my baby.”

I step closer and rest my hand on her belly, and she leaves it there for a second, until she doesn’t. “You don’t want a baby.”