A knock on the window catches my attention, and I turn my head to see Laiken standing there. She smiles sweetly at me, giving me no choice but to unlock the door. It’s not like I can drive away now, not with her standing there looking at me like I’m her favorite person in the world.

I should’ve thought this through before I agreed to come. Realized that it was a stupid idea before it was too late. But as Laiken opens the door, I know the chances of her letting me change my mind now are slim to none.

“Come on,” she tells me. “It’s going to be fine.”

I snort as I climb out. “You do know I can tell when you’re lying, don’t you?”

Her eyes roll. “Okay, then tell me this: what is the worst possible thing that could happen?”

“Do youwantme to go back home?” I joke. “Oh, I get it. You secretly love the way Lucas hits on you, and you don’t want your boyfriend to hear it.”

“Boyfriend, huh?” She smirks, raising her brows at me. “Last I checked, I was neveraskedto be anyone’s anything. And you can’t just skip steps, it’s against the rules.”

I move my hand to her back and pull her in as I snicker. “Is that right?”

“Mm-hm.” She’s fighting to keep a straight face, but I can see right through it.

My lips purse as I hum. “That information is going to make some women very happy.”

Her jaw falls open in disbelief and she pushes me away. “Jerk.”

“Hey,” I chuckle playfully. “You walked right into that.”

She glares back at me, but I’m more than used to that, so I kiss her anyway. No matter how much she tries to stop it, she can’t keep the smile from forcing its way through. But the moment has to end eventually.

Grabbing my hand with hers, she starts tugging me toward the back yard. My head falls back as I groan, but she’s not going to let me off.

“Nope,” she says as she pulls me along. “I was thinking about letting you change your mind, but after that little comment you made…”

Laughter bubbles out of me. “Oh, so this is revenge.”

“Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

Her teasing has a way of making me feel better, but as we get closer to the bonfire and I watch Cam glance back at me only to scoff and shake his head, that feeling fades. There’s never been a time where he looked at me like this. And the guilt that settles in my stomach is uncomfortable.

I wasn’t going to drop Laiken’s hand. I’ve done that enough to her this summer, and we have nothing to hide now. But as she lets mine go, I appreciate that she understands the last thing I want to do is rub our relationship—or non-relationship, according to her logic—in Cam’s face.

“Hey, man,” Owen greets me.

“Hey.” He and I exchange a bro-handshake, followed by doing the same with Aiden and Lucas.

Usually, I’d go to Cam next, but by the way he won’t even look at me, I don’t attempt it. Better to play it safe than risk feeling the rejection of that. I’m already hanging by a thread here.

I’d normally grab one of the camping chairs and set it up beside Cam, but something about being within swinging distance of him doesn’t seem like a good idea. Especially while my cheek is still sensitive to the touch. Let’s just say I know firsthand why that drunk bastard from the party hit the ground as hard as he did. His punch has improved since we were fourteen.

I should sit somewhere neutral, not close to Cam but not close to Laiken, either. I know she would be understanding of it. And yet, the thought of being even five feet away from her makes up my mind for me.

Hopping up onto the picnic table, I take a seat beside her. It’s a small move, but one that shows her I’m still serious about this, and she smiles down at her lap. The guys are too busy glancing between Cam and me to notice it, though.

“What’s going on?” Aiden asks.

Cam tosses a wrapper into the fire. “Nothing.”

I thought the tension was strong when Laiken and I were broken up, but it’s nothing compared to this. That was painful. Cruel and unforgiving. This, however, is the agony of knowing the guy who has been the closest person to me for a few years short of a decade wants nothing to do with me now. It wraps around my throat and makes me choke on it.

But as I subtly put my hand on the table, letting the edge brush against Laiken’s, at least my heart is back in one piece.

Again, worth it, no matter how shitty that may sound.