Though it did pass through my mind, even then.

“So, what do you say?” I ask. “Will you be my best man?”

He huffs out a laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “Yes, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“Stop asking me important questions right after I stop being pissed at you.”

My head rests back against the wall. “Aw, man. I was planning on arguing with you right before I ask you to be the godfather of our future kid.”

He turns and gives me a knowing look. “As if you wantmeraising your kid if anything ever happens to you two.”

Fair point.“Eh, with a certain spitfire, I think you’d do just fine. And speaking of…when are you going to do something about that?”

Cam instantly looks away, letting out a heavy exhale. “I don’t know, man. That’s a five-beers- deep conversation.”

“It’s a good thing we’re opening a bar, isn’t it?”

Little girls dreamabout their wedding day. They imagine what it’s going to look like, the kind of dress they’ll be wearing, and who they’ll invite. But me? I always pictured who was at the other end of the aisle. And since I was fifteen, I pictured Hayes.

Granted, I told myself it was never going to happen. That he would never see me as anything other than his best friend’s little sister. But it was still fun to fantasize about it and wonder what it would be like.

If only that girl could see me now—in my mom’s wedding dress, with my hair curled and a veil sitting on top of my head.

Hayes wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to marry me as soon as humanly possible. He’s nothing if not impatient. When we went to the courthouse two days ago to get our marriage license, he almost tried to marry me there. But if we were going to do it that way, there was no point in telling our parents beforehand.

Besides, this feels more special.

“Do I look okay?” I ask my mom.

She dabs under her eyes with a tissue for what feels like the millionth time since she walked in. “You look beautiful, sweetheart. I always knew you would make such a gorgeous bride.”

I smile, looking at myself in the mirror once more. Honestly, I can’t believe we’re here. Even at dinner that night with Mali, we barely even considered the possibility that proposing was what he meant byI can work with that.And speaking of…

As I hear the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs, I also hear Mali grumbling to herself. And I should probably mention that I haven’t told her aboutanyof this yet. Partly because I didn’t want her trying to talk me out of it, and also because this way is much more fun.

“Your boyfriend is fucking weird,” she says as she walks in the room, her eyes focused on her phone. “He wouldn’t let me come in the front door. Insisted that I come in the back and straight upstairs for some rea—” Her head raises to look at me and she freezes. “You’re in a wedding dress.”

I smirk. “Nothing gets past you, does it?”

That’s when she sees my mom sitting in the chair, also dressed up, and her eyes widen as she looks at me once more. “Y-you’re getting married? Like, today? Right now?”

“Yes,” I say slowly. “And if you’ll be my maid of honor, your dress is hanging in the bathroom.”

She goes into the bathroom and grabs the dress, then comes back out, still looking at me like I’m crazy. “How pregnant are you, exactly?”

“She’s not,” my mom tells her, complete with air quotes.

Jesus Christ.“Mom, really. I’mnotpregnant.”

But she just sighs, as if she knows more about whether or not I’m with child than I do. “It’s okay, sweetie. I understand the importance of waiting until you’re three months along to tell people.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

My eyes meet Mali’s, and she must be able to see that I’m at my wits end with her about this, because she presses her fist to her mouth to keep from laughing, then distracts herself with getting dressed.

I NEVER REALLY UNDERSTOODthe wholesomething old, something newtradition. Who decided that a bunch of random shit is necessary in order to have a good marriage? Did they poll the people who didn’t have it all and see how many got divorced? Hell, half of the couples who get married these days get divorced. There must not be enoughsomething blueto go around.