She fucking said yes.

The two of us stare at it, seeing how perfect it looks on her finger, and when she looks up at me, I somehow manage to fall a little harder.

“I love you, so much,” she tells me.

I exhale with a smile. “I love you more.”

And as I cover her mouth with my own and pull her into me, I plan on showing her just how much I mean those words.

I LIE ON MYside, propping myself up on my elbow and resting my head in my hands. I can’t look away from my new fiancée—though I wouldn’t even if I could. I’m too busy admiring just how beautiful she really is. Her chest rises and falls as she waits for her breathing to calm. Her lips are a deep red and a little swollen from all of the kissing. And the mark I left just below her right breast speaks straight to the part of me that wants to scream from the rooftops that she’s mine.

Her hair is splayed out on the floor, and I reach up to pull a rose petal out of it. She giggles, taking it from me and blowing it away.

“You’ve really turned into one hell of a romantic,” she teases.

I chuckle and dip down to kiss her once more. “Tell anyone and I’ll say you’re full of shit. My reputation has no room for a Sappy Fucker title.”

“Okay, totally changing your name in my phone to Sappy Fucker now,” she jokes. “But no, I won’t be telling anyone. Are you kidding? All the girls that try hitting on you are only looking for a hookup because they’re convinced that you’re notboyfriend material. No way in hell am I correcting that. They’ll break our damn door down.”

There’s only one part of what she just said that has all of my attention. “Ourdoor? I like the sound of that.”

She bites her lip as she smiles. “Me too.”

My hand rests on her stomach, my thumb moving back and forth across her skin. “God, I can’t believe I’m marrying you.”

“How are we going to do it?” she asks. “I don’t think either of us has the patience for a long engagement.”

I shake my head. “Definitely not. I want you to be my wife as soon as humanly possible. I want you where you belong—infiltrating all of my space and sleeping beside me every night.”

That makes her smile just a little brighter. “So, courthouse in the morning? A flight to Vegas within the next couple days to elope?”

It’s tempting, honestly. There’s no doubt I’m about to walk us right into a shitshow. But I don’t want her to think that I’m trying to hide her, or us, or what she means to me. Not anymore.

“No,” I tell her. “I respect both of our mothers way too much to do that to them.”

Laiken’s brows furrow. “Okay…what are you thinking instead?”

“I’m thinking I want to marry you in front of the ones we love. Nothing crazy. Just you, me, and the most important people in our lives. And that includes your parents.”

Realization crosses her face, and she nods. “Ah, so this is a suicide mission. Got it. I’m clued in now.”

My eyes roll playfully and I tickle her side, sending her into a fit of giggles.

Whatever we have to deal with, it’ll be worth it.

My mom has always beenthe one person to consistently have my back. It never mattered if I was in the right or the wrong. She would make me own up for my mistakes, but she would do it in a way where I knew she was just looking out for me. I’ve never been afraid to tell her anything.

Until now.

It’s not like she won’t be supportive. I know she will. But I think a part of me is afraid to tell her that I’m getting my happy-ever-after, when she was cheated out of her own.

Laiken sits beside me at my mom’s kitchen table, her left hand tucked into the sleeve of her hoodie to hide the ring. I suggested she could just take it off and keep it in her pocket for now, but she refused. Said that if that ring ever leaves her finger, it won’t be on her own free will.

“H,” my mom says. “You’ve got to say something. You’re starting to worry me here.”

I can see the way Laiken smirks out of the corner of my eye and I take a deep breath. “I know. Nothing’s wrong. Just give me a second.”

And then, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, Lai reaches over and laces her fingers with mine. We’ve never shown affection in front of either of our parents, but this is different. This is her knowing that I need her.