I don’t remember the last time all of us were in the same car. Sitting in the backseat has a way of making Cam and me feel like children. Then again, it could also be the fact that Camactslike a child when we’re sitting back here.

“Put your window up,” he murmurs. “The wind is giving me a headache.”

“No. You know the backseat makes me nauseous,” I tell him.

“Your face makes me nauseous, but you don’t see me complaining.”

“Well, your best friend seems to like it just fine.”

My dad sighs. “Is the arguing really necessary? You’ve hardly been around each other lately.”


I can already tell by the look on my brother’s face that I’m going to regret bringing Hayes into it. He grins deviously and tilts his head to the side.

“Yes, dear sister,” he drawls. “Wherehaveyou been lately?”

The last thing I should do right now is poke the bear, but the arrogance plastered all over his face is grinding on my nerves. I glance down and scream, swatting at something that isn’t actually there. Cam’s hands fly to his head, and he looks absolutely miserable, which means my plan worked exactly how I hoped.

“Sorry,” I say to my parents. “I thought I saw a bug.”

They chuckle to themselves, but I’m too busy at watching the way Cam glares at me. He’d never out the fact that I haven’t really been at Mali’s because he’d catch hell for knowing about it and not saying anything sooner. He may get some kind of revenge later, but at least for right now, the win is mine.

Checkmate, brother.

YOU WOULD THINK THATwhen making a product that goes on your lips, they would take into consideration what you’re going to touchwiththose lips. Clearly, they haven’t done that. If they had, I wouldn’t be scrubbing my grandmother’s lipstick off my cheek like I need to remove a whole layer of skin to get it off.

She’s the sweetest lady, and for a long time she was my favorite person. But the number of times she feels the need to kiss my cheek is unnecessary given the fact that I’m grown now. No matter how much older I get, she still treats me like the six-year-old little girl who thought the bowl of expired candies on her kitchen table tasted good.

Dinner was nice, though, and getting to spend time with my family was great. But I couldn’t help wishing Hayes was there. It never even occurred to me to invite him. Not that my parents would have gone for it anyway. Nan has met Hayes numerous times but reintroducing him to her as my boyfriend is a step that I’m sure they don’t think we’re ready for yet.

As I finish removing the red stains from my cheeks, I climb into bed and grab my phone off the nightstand. A text from Hayes is already waiting for me.

This bed is too cold without you.

Says the guy who loves it when the sheets are cold.

I watch as the three dots appear, until his response comes through.

But I love you more.

Before I can type my reply, Hayes’s picture covers my screen.

Facetime Call.

Hitting accept, my very exhausted,and very shirtless,boyfriend appears. Just looking at him like this makes my bed feel so empty. He should be here. Or I should be there. But being apart is not it.

Not for us.

“God, how do you do that?” he asks.

My brows furrow. “Do what?”

“Look so damn gorgeous even when you’re going to bed.”

I chuckle, rolling over and propping my phone up. “You should have seen me before. There had to be at least three lipstick marks on each cheek.”

He hums tiredly. “Someone needs to tell Nan that the only person allowed to mark you is me.”