Mali snorts. “People would think they’ll get a blowjob or some chick riding cowgirl while they drink.”

Both their eyes double in size as their heads whip toward each other—smiling like idiots and nodding. Then Cam turns toward Mali and sighs heavily.

“You can’t be that hotandhave better ideas than me,” he tells her. “It’s not fair.”

She smirks, popping a piece of gum into her mouth. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

“All right,” I say, putting an end to this. “You’re not opening up a sex bar.”

Hayes pouts. “Why not?”

“Because I’m not about to let you around naked women all day.” I grab both his hands and pull him upright. “Time to get up. We have to drop Cam off at home and then I’ll take you to your house.”

“Boo!” Cam groans, giving me a thumbs down. “You’re not the boss of me.”

“No, but technically, Marc is,” I counter. “Should I call him?”

Hayes and Cam gasp and look at each other before forming a united front against me. Cam crosses his arms over his chest while Hayes glares at me.

“You would tellDadon us?” Hayes asks indignantly.

Mali chuckles. “Damn. If I had known they were going to be this fun, I never would have made an excuse for us to get out of here.”

“Mali!” I hiss through gritted teeth.

Both Hayes’s and Cam’s jaws drop, and Cam shakes his head. “You lying liars who lie!”

“For the love of fuck,” I grumble at my best friend. “Was that really necessary?”

“Absolutely. Look at them!”

She’s enjoying this, and I get it. The two of them rarely get this drunk, and when they do, it always gives us material to hold against them later. It’s my favorite part. But right now, I want nothing more than to go curl up in bed with Hayes.

“Well, for that,youcan be the one to get Cam home,” I tell her.

Rolling her eyes, she shrugs. I help Hayes stand up the rest of the way and catch him as he stumbles. With an arm around him, I glance at Cam once more before leaving with Hayes.

“You’re really pretty,” he slurs. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

Jesus Christ. “Yep.”

He exhales sadly. “Damn. He’s really lucky.”

I walk him over to his truck and slip my hand in his pocket to grab his keys. He jumps at the contact and spins around, putting his hands up.

“Whoa. How will your boyfriend feel about you touching me like that?”

Seriously, this is the last time I leave the two of them alone for a few hours. Like, ever.

“Hayes, baby,” I say sweetly. “Youaremy boyfriend.”

His eyes light up. “Really? Me?” I nod. “That’s fucking sweet!”

If he wasn’t so damn adorable right now, I’d probably be pissed. But all I can seem to do is chuckle as I get him to climb into the passenger seat.

A task that takes three attempts, mind you.

Making sure his seatbelt is buckled, I walk around to get in the driver’s side. He’s already passed out with his head against the window by the time I pull out of the parking lot. But at least this way he won’t need me to stop so he can puke.