“See, that’s the difference between you and me,” I sneer. “I don’t feel the need to broadcast my sex life to all my friends. But I get that you have a lot to overcompensate for. Laiken told me all about your little…well, you know.”

Lai tries and fails not to laugh. We’ve never talked about Craig’s dick, for obvious reasons. But judging by the way his face turns red, I’m spot on. How unfortunate for him.

“Get out of here, Craig,” I demand. “And keep my girlfriend’s name out of your mouth.”

It’s probably the first time half this room has heard me refer to anyone as my girlfriend, but my only focus is getting this shithead as far away from Laiken as possible. Just knowing he’s seen heralmostnaked is enough to make me want to deck him.

“No can do, man,” he tells me. “It’s on my tongue every time I jerk off while I picture her mouth on my dick.”

My fist clenches and I go to lunge at him, but Laiken moves faster. She slips in front of me and holds me back with everything she has. Her hands come up to touch my face as she desperately tries to get my attention.

“Babe,” she tries again. “Stop. He’s just trying to goad you. Don’t listen to him.”

I take my attention off Craig and put it on her, exactly where it should be. She smiles in relief and slides her hands to the back of my neck.

“Don’t listen to him,” she repeats. “Just focus on me.”

And I can do that just fine. If he didn’t like seeing my arm around her, he’s really going to hate this.

Pulling her in, I press my lips to hers and feel as she melts into me. It may start all for Craig’s benefit, but it quickly takes a turn—becoming entirely for me. Because she keeps me grounded. Because she keeps me sane.

Because she’s the only person I ever want to kiss again.

“Get a room!” Owen jokes.

I pull away and my brows raise. “I have three, actually. Thanks for the reminder.” Focusing on Craig once more, I smirk. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to enjoy my party and then fuck my girlfriend the way she never let you.”

Taking a step toward him, he takes one back. With a few more, he ends up on the front porch and I swing the door shut in his face. The music starts to play again, and everyone goes back to the party like nothing ever happened. Laiken and I go over to the kitchen, and I grab another beer from the fridge.

“That guy is such a dick,” Lucas growls. “How did you ever date him?”

Laiken’s nose scrunches. “I was young and stupid. I didn’t know any better.”

I can’t help but laugh, recognizing her words as the ones I used while we danced in the living room. Mali comes back in from the dining room with Cam trailing behind her. My first assumption is that she brought him in there to keep him away from Craig, but as he zones out while staring at her, I think it may have been more than that.

“Cam!” Aiden shouts. “Funnel a beer with me!”

He chuckles, but there’s something off about it. “Do I look like I want to vomit tonight?”

“You’re no fun.” He looks around. “Mali?”

She shrugs. “Yeah, sure. Fuck it.”


Everyone watches the two of them race to see who can drink it faster, but my attention is drawn to the door—where Monty has strolled in and is in the middle of a bro-shake with Owen, like they’ve been friends for years. I had no idea they even knew each other. And the way Monty quickly excuses himself when he sees me watching, I don’t think I was meant to know.

“You okay?” Laiken asks me.

I pull my focus back to her. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”

She celebrates with Mali after she beats Aiden with ease, but I’m still stuck on Monty. There’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way. And I don’t think it has anything to do with him threatening me. She’s mine now. That’s not changing.

If he hadn’t saved Cam from spending the next few years in prison, I’d say something to Laiken about it. Or even Cam himself. But he earned both of their respect with what he did, and Laiken has become better friends with him since. Because of that, I don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to him.

Not unless I find out what his ulterior motive is.

IT ISN’T UNTIL LATERthat I even have a chance to ask Owen about it. I’m outside smoking a cigarette when he comes out for some fresh air. Some people have left. Some are still lingering. Most are drunk. But Monty has stayed sober, and I have a feeling there’s a reason for it.