“Hey, let me get one of those.”

I don’t know if he thought Hayes couldn’t hear him or if he genuinely has a death wish, but nothing beats the way Hayes turns around to glare at him.

“You know, you made a lot of great saves tonight,” he tells him. “But if you don’t get the fuck away from my girlfriend, there will be no blocking me from shoving my stick up your ass.”

Lucas cringes and looks up at me. “You really find that attractive? The wholeI’m a possessive assholebit?”

My gaze meets Hayes’s, and I bite my lip. “There’s nothing he does thatisn’tattractive.”

HAVE YOU EVER STEPPEDback and just looked at your man, thinkingI am so goddamn lucky? Like really gave yourself permission to check him out the same way you did during your first date? Hayes has always managed to melt me with a single look, but I don’t think there is anything sexier than watching him work on the bar.

The guys that have the money to wine and dine you are nice, but the guys that aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty—thoseare the men you want. They’re the ones who will fuck you until three in the morning, when you’re so spent from orgasming over and over that you can hardly move.

I watch Hayes’s muscles flex as he hammers nails into the wood. Beads of sweat drip down his back, glistening in the light that shines through the window. Apparently, building a wall requires a lot of exertion, so it was only a matter of time before his shirt came off—but fuck, I’m not complaining.

Mali comes to sit next to me on the floor as I lean back against the wall.

“You’ve got a little…” She points to the corner of her own mouth.

I don’t, and I don’t even need to check. “If I did, could you blame me? Look at him.”

She tilts her head and hums. “Yeah, you’re my girl, but I’m not eye-fucking your boyfriend.”

Even if she did, it wouldn’t be anywhere close to the real thing. Hayes has a way of knowing exactly where to touch, and exactly how to move, to make me feel like my whole body is in ecstasy. Like every inch of me is his own personal wonderland and he wants nothing more than to get lost in it. Lost in me.

I squirm as my pussy clenches desperately, and when I let out a quiet whine, Mali laughs. “How you went from virgin to sex-fiend in a single summer is a mystery to me.”

“You’d understand if you felt what he can do with his tongue,” I tell her, not looking away from H.

As if he can read my mind, he glances over at me and smirks. “Are you just going to sit there and watch?”

“Mm-hm,” I say, nodding.

He barks out a laugh, putting the hammer back into his toolbelt as he walks over and bends down in front of me. I watch as his eyes rake over me slowly, like he’s getting his fill. And when they stare back at me again, his pupils are blown.

“That means I get to watchyoulater,” he murmurs, just before he grabs my chin and kisses me—immediately licking into my mouth.

It’s so quick, so effortless, but I’m breathless by the end of it.

“Great,” Mali scoffs. “I’m jealous of my best friend’s sex life. That’s just fan-fucking-tastic.”

Hayes and I both chuckle, and when he stands up and steps back, he winks at me. I’m so lost in him and everything he is that I don’t even remember my brother is in the room until his voice echoes through the room.

“Okay, I’ve been accepting of”—he waves his finger between Hayes and me—“this, but spending my day in a live-action porno of you two? Not on my list of fucking shit I want to do.” All of his attention turns to Hayes. “H, put a goddamn shirt on.”

“Screw that,” he argues. “It’s hot as fuck in here.”

Cam’s brows furrow. “Itishot in here.” He walks over to the thermostat and his jaw drops. “Jesus Christ. Who set the heat at eighty-nine degrees?”

Mali looks up at the ceiling, over at the wall, and down at the floor—anywhere but at Cam—and I look at her like she’s the hero I didn’t know we needed.

“I love you so hard right now that if I wasn’t so possessive, I’d let you borrow Hayes,” I say, gaping at her.

She throws her head back and laughs, just as Hayes’s phone starts to ring. He pulls it out of his pocket and what looks like nervousness fills his eyes. He looks over at me for only a second, trying to play it off like it’s nothing, but then he goes outside to take the call.

What the hell?

He’s never done that. Never been afraid to answer his phone around me. Not even when we were sneaking around. Don’t get me wrong, I have no reasonnotto trust him. It very well could be nothing. But something about it rubs me the wrong way, and I’m not the only one.