Okay, hold on.

My eyes widen as I rush to text him back.


I was kidding.

Don’t do that.

When he doesn’t answer, I know he’s only fucking with me. It’s only fair that he has to take what he gives.

Well, at least the floor already has one blood stain. One more won’t make much of a difference.

The response I get is in the form of a picture of his face, looking offended. I open my camera and switch it to video, recording myself winking and blowing a kiss at him, only to laugh as I press stop. Shooting him the short video, I try to go back to what I was working on when my phone vibrates four times in a row.

Three things…

1. You’re gorgeous.

2. I’m the luckiest man alive.

and 3. Thank fuck that live wallpaper is a thing.

My cheeks start to ache as my smile won’t fade. This is why all of the distance right now and all the lonely days I’ve spent whining to Mali about missing him, they’re all worth it. Because of this. Because he still manages to make sure I know that I’m one of the most important people in the world to him.

THE SURF SHOP ISdead, which is a little strange for this time of day, but it is approaching the end of summer. Who really wants to buy a surfboard they can only use for a few more weeks?

Hayes is scrolling through more listings that his realtor emailed him while I sit on his lap. If a customer comes in, I’ll move, but for now, I just want to be close to him.

“Ugh,” he groans. “This is not even remotely fun. I’m starting to wonder if trying to make this happen was a bad move.”

I press a kiss to his cheek. “It wasn’t. You just have to keep your eyes on the end game. You have a vision for it, and I’m sure you’ll find the right place eventually.”

He turns to look at me, and I laugh at the way I can read his mind—like how he’s currently thinking that I’m a pain in the ass when I’m right. With a quick kiss, he goes back to looking at his computer and switches to the next listing.

“This one might have some potential.”

It’s a few minutes later when Marc walks in. Hayes’s eyes move to the door for a second then back to the computer. I’ve only seen him a few times at events, but we’ve never actually spoken, and here I am sitting on his employee’s lap while he’s supposed to be working.

I move to get up, but Hayes’s arm tightens around my waist as he holds me in place.

“Hey, Marc,” he greets him.

Marc looks amused by how close we are. “Hey? That’s it? You’re not going to introduce me to your friend?”

Hayes doesn’t look away from the computer as he scrolls through more pictures. “Boss man, girlfriend. Girlfriend, boss man.”

There’s something about the way he says it so naturally that makes my stomach flip while Marc chuckles.

“Oh wow. She really hit the jackpot with you,” he teases Hayes.

I smile sweetly at him. “I’m Laiken.”

Realization crosses his face, and he snaps before pointing at me. “That’s right. You’re Cam’s sister.” I nod in confirmation. “I knew you looked familiar. What are you doing with this idiot?”

Hayes rolls his eyes, making me giggle, and he answers for me. “I’m her pipe dream.”

I whine playfully. “Oh my God, let it go.”