His brows furrow. “Are you sure?”

“Definitely. I know you’ve been waiting for him to stop icing you out.”

Hayes beams back at me, kissing me once more and then almost running up to join Cam. Meanwhile, I can’t seem to wipe the smile off my face or get the butterflies in my stomach to calm.

I look over at Mali, only to see her smirk and shake her head. “You’re so lovesick, it’s disgusting.”

Laughter bubbles out of me as I flip her off, but there’s no point in denying it. She’s right.

I’m so fucking gone for him.

I always have been.

GROWING UP WITH CAM, the only thing I was ever jealous of was his curfew. Our parents were basically the king and queen of double standards. Cam could do no wrong, while I was grounded if I walked in the door two minutes late. It didn’t matter that I was in the driveway on time. I was late.

As we got older, it got a little better. Not completely—he’s still their favorite despite the fact that he has a criminal record and I don’t—but I stopped being jealous of him and grew to appreciate our bond more.

Until he started hogging my boyfriend.

Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic. He’s not exactlyhogginghim, but heisgetting to spend all Hayes’s free time with him. And I’m just a teeny tiny bit cranky about it. Turns out Hayes isn’t the only one who must have failed sharing in kindergarten.

They’ve spent the last week and a half looking for a location to open their new bar. Every possible hour they have, they’ve been going around with a realtor, and they’ve seen a decent number of buildings. But each one has either been too expensive, was in a shitty area, or wasn’t big enough. So, the search continues, and I stay missing my boyfriend.

Granted, I get nights with him. Either I lie to my parents and tell them I’m sleeping at Mali’s, or my parents assume Hayes is here for Cam, and he climbs through my skylight. But by the end of the day, he’s so exhausted that within a few minutes of wrapping his arms around me, he passes out cold.

He does his best to make it up to me, though—sending me super sweet texts and having flowers delivered to the rink when I’m working. I could’ve done without the kids cooing about the fact that Miss Laiken has a boyfriend, but the gesture was adorable.

And messing with him when I have the chance has been fun, too.

My phone vibrates in my lap as I figure out where to put my little prodigy. She’s ready to move up to the twelve-thirteen class, but both of them are full. I know her parents can’t afford private lessons, so I’m trying to see if there is a way that I can add another time slot for that age group. If she’s the only one in it for now, well, I won’t exactly complain.

Giving myself a break, I open my phone to see a picture from Hayes. They’re at another potential location that’s for sale and I can’t help but cringe.

Is that a blood stain on the floor?

Realtor claims it’s rust.

I chuckle as I type out my response.

I think you need a new realtor.

Another picture comes through, and this time, it’s of a massive bar in the middle of the room. The kind where the bartender stands in the center. It’s a good size, but I don’t really think it’s what he’s looking for.

Sorry, babe. I’m not seeing this place having the right vibe. But sex on that bar could be fun.

?? What’d you have to say that for? Now I have to buy it.

You are not buying the murder bar. Know your audience.

We’re going to have an audience? I didn’t know you were into voyeurism, baby.

Still got that one-track mind, I see.

Can you blame me? It’s been too long. This search is going to cause me to die from lack of sex.

Snorting, I’m not at all surprised that he’s losing his mind from this. I practically am, too. But I know this is what makes him happy, which makes it worth it for me.

Tell my brother that. Let me know how it goes.