ONE THING ABOUT THEtwo of us is that we’re super competitive. To be honest, it’s why I don’t enter figure skating competitions anymore. I was too hard on myself, and it started to take a toll on my mental health. But that part of me is still there just as much as Hayes’s is. So of course, when the topic of me beating him in a race came up, he demanded his rematch.

We slide the table and chairs out of the way and then take our places at the one goal line. I know he’s determined to beat me, and after everything he did for me tonight, I should let him have it—but what’s the fun in that?

“Ready?” he asks, and I nod.

He counts down from three and we both take off. It’s neck and neck up until the halfway point, but with a little extra push, I take the lead. And being the showoff I am sometimes, I spin around and wink at him as I cross the goal line backward.

“How in the fuck?” he asks in disbelief.

I skate circles around him. “Just face it, babe. Figure skaters do it better.”

He scoffs playfully. “Only because you don’t have to focus on as much. We have to worry about our speed and our balance while controlling a small block of rubber with a wooden stick. Oh, and we have to fight off grown men at the same time.”

Giving him a look, I glide away from him, and I can feel his gaze on me. I pick up speed just before I execute the trick I’ve been working on. The one I haven’t let anyone see yet.

The fucking triple axel.

It’s as if everything is in slow motion as I spin through the air, and relief floods through me as I land it. Hayes’s jaw drops, and he looks even prouder than I was when I finally got it.

“When the hell did you learn to do that?”

I shrug. “You’re not the only one who needed a distraction after we split.”

And that’s when he slips up. “Bullshit. I would have noticed that when I—”

His mouth clamps shut as he realizes what he was about to admit, so I smugly finish it for him.

“While you were watching me from the office? Yeah, I made sure not to work on it then. I didn’t need you seeing me fall on my ass.”

He exhales. “You knew I was there?”

A small laugh bubbles out of me. “Contrary to what you might think, you’re not exactly good at being discreet. You’re good at hockey, though…for the most part.”

“Damn.” He clutches his heart like he’s been shot. “You’ve been my girlfriend for all of twenty minutes and already you’re insulting me.”

I skate up closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him quickly. “Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it.”

“All right, Rochester,” he says, using the nickname I haven’t heard in a while. “Let’s make this interesting. You get three shots. If I block all of them, I get to fuck your mouth again.”

God, it was so damn hot when he did that, it hardly sounds like a punishment. “And if I score?”

He smirks in a way that would have my panties ripping themselves right off if they could. “You can sit on my face for as long as you want.”

Holy fuck. That’s something we haven’t done yet, surprisingly, but with the way it feels when he eats me out, I’m sure it’ll feel incredible. And an unlimited amount of his mouth on my pussy is more than enough incentive.

Still, I don’t want to seem too eager.

“You’re not a goalie,” I point out.

The look he gives me shows he’s at least somewhat hoping I win, and I shiver at the thought. “All the more reason to do it.”

I STAND IN THEmiddle of the ice, holding the stick firmly in my hands while he blocks the goal. I wonder if I should tell him that I used to play against Cam when we were younger. But if he’s underestimating me, that’s no one’s fault but his own.

He keeps his gaze laser focused on me as I take the puck and start skating toward him. I try to use his lack of pads to my advantage, but as I shoot, he blocks it with his skate.

First shot missed.

The second doesn’t go much better, this time getting blocked by his stick.