My eyes water as I take it all in. “You did this?”

“Do you like it?” It’s hard not to notice the vulnerability in his voice.

I let my eyes rake over everything once more and then turn my head to look back at him, as much as I can anyway. “I love it. You’re amazing.”

“Youare amazing,” he corrects me with a kiss. “I’m just trying to be somewhat worthy of your attention.”

My heart melts as he takes my hand and leads me onto the rink and over to the table. He’s a total gentleman, pulling out the chair for me to sit and then sliding it in. As he hands me the rose, he lifts the lids off the meals to reveal subs, and I can’t help but giggle.

“I know,” he says with a grin. “But we’re on an ice rink, so it was either that or salad.”

I shake my head with a smile. “No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

Over all the years I’ve had a thing for Hayes, I always knew what kind of guy he was. I never fantasized about romantic things with him because I knew that wasn’t him. It was always more sexual, though there was the occasionalpicture our future togetherones mixed in.

This is more than I could have ever imagined.

He lights the candle and sits down, taking a sip of his beer. “I really missed you today.”

“Clearly,” I joke as I look around once more. “How did you do all this?”

“I got some of the guys to help me,” he confesses.


He shakes his head. “No, he still hates me. But we managed without him.”

A pit forms in my stomach, knowing how hurt he is about it, and I sigh. “I’m so sorry, H.”

But he reaches over and puts his hand on mine. “Don’t. We’re not going to talk about it tonight, okay? This night is about us.”

And somehow, I melt a little more as butterflies come alive in my stomach.

AFTER WE’RE DONE EATING,Hayes suggests we take the opportunity we have to skate together. It’s not often that we get the chance. My shifts usually line up either right before or right after his hockey practices, and by the end of them, we’re both exhausted. Putting on skates is the last thing on our mind.

But not tonight, so we lace up our skates and hold hands as we leisurely glide around the rink.

The lights that Hayes and the guys hung make it so much more intimate in here. I can only imagine all the shit they gave him for this, too. He probably had to listen to Owen’s comments for hours.

“So,” Hayes starts. “Is this up to your romance standards?”

I chuckle as I nod. “Yes, definitely.”

“Good, because there’s something I want to ask you, and I need it to be memorable.”

My mouth goes dry as he stops us and turns to face me, looking deep into my eyes. “A-are you about to propose right now?”

Jesus Christ, Lai. If he is, way to ruin the damn moment.

But it doesn’t ruin it at all. He doesn’t get scared at the thought of that much commitment or look at me like I’m insane. He just smiles and shakes his head.

“No,” he says with a small laugh. “I’m sure that will happen eventually, but you once told me I’m not allowed to skip steps. So, Laiken…” He pauses just to drive me insane. “Will youofficiallybe mine? My out-in-the-open, hold-your-hand-no-matter-who-can-see girlfriend?”

There is so much happiness in my heart, so much pure joy that it radiates out of me and I beam at him as I nod. “Yes.”

He smiles just as brightly, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up. Our lips meet and he spins us around while we both smile into the kiss. He said he wanted to make it memorable, but I think he could have asked me this anywhere and I would always remember it.

Who could ever forget the moment all their dreams came true?