His mom turns the corner and freezes. “Oh my God, it looks like there was a massacre in here.”

Hayes mumbles something about her being a drama queen, but I can’t say I disagree with her. Bloody tissues are all over the sink and the bottom of his shirt is a mess from his drive home. I told him he should’ve let Coach take care of it at the rink, but he claims he didn’t realize how bad it was bleeding until he was already on his way home.

That’s code for “my pride is too big to let Isaac know he caused damage.”

As I step out of the way so his mom can get in front of him, she lightly places her fingers on the sides of his nose. His eyes pinch closed and he whines.

Yeah, definitely broken.

“Well, it’s not out of place, but itisbroken,” she tells him, and I shoot him anI told you solook. “Care to tell me how this happened?”

“Just a hockey thing,” he tries, but she knows him better to buy that.

“Try again.”

Hayes exhales through his mouth as she works to get the bleeding to stop. “I took an elbow to the face.”

“Because…” I press, earning a glare that tells me I’ll probably pay for this later.

“I shot a well-aimed hockey puck into his no-no place.”

I snort at his choice of words, and my laughter gradually builds when I realize that was for his mom’s benefit. Around his friends? Sexy motherfucking badass. Around his mom? Angelic mama’s boy.

“Take off your shirt,” she instructs him. “It’s garbage now.”

He whines. “It’s one of my favorite shirts!”

“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you shot a hockey puck into your teammate’s lower region. Now it looks like part of a crime scene.”

His mom holds up the garbage can, looking at him expectantly, and he mutters “such bullshit” under his breath as he pulls it over his head. The minute his abs come into view, I force myself to look away.

The last few days, we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other. It’s like I’ve become some kind of sexually addicted monster who can never get enough. And being this turned on in front of Hayes’s mother is not my idea of fun. But it might be Hayes’s, if the way he smirks when he notices how affected I am is anything to go by.

His mom comes back with a new shirt for him, and she turns to me while he puts it on. “So, I saw your car outside. Are we not playing hide and seek with Cam anymore?”

Hayes and I share a look, and he answers for us. “Nope. She finally came to her senses.”

My eyes meet his and I raise a single brow at him, warning him of what’s coming next. The moment he catches on, I smile at his mom.

“You should have been there. Hayes handed Cam a knife and told him to stab him.”

Her jaw drops and she backhands Hayes in the stomach. “You did what?”

He squeals at her smack then whirls around to frown at me. “Seriously?”

I shrug, smiling sweetly. “What? I can’t be the only one mad about your reckless move.”

“It was romantic!” he shouts.

“Oh, yes,” I sass. “Your blood all over the ground and my brother getting hauled away for your murder would have really sealed it for me.”

He turns to his mom. “Do you see the abuse I deal with?”

She chuckles. “I like her. Someone needs to keep your ass in line.”

I fist-pump and grin. “Ha! I have your mom on my side. I win!”

As I do a happy dance just for the sake of rubbing it in his face, he groans. “There is not enough testosterone in this house.”