Cam looks like he’s in shock as Hayes answers. “He pulled out a gun and started waving it around like a psycho! I took it from him because he’s drunk, and it just went off!”

“Oh my God,” I cry. “We need to get him help. Someone call 9-1-1.”

“Laiken,” Hayes says, but the only thing I’m worried about right now is my friend bleeding out in front of me.

Mali pulls out her phone. “I don’t have any signal.”

“Laiken,” Hayes repeats, a little louder this time.

I grab my own phone from my pocket and realize the same thing. “Climb onto the boat and use the radio. That’s what those things are for, isn’t it? See if you can get a hold of the Coast Guard.”

Pulling my shirt over my head, I’m left in only my bikini top as I try to press the material onto his stomach to stop the bleeding.

“Laiken!” Hayes shouts.

“What?” I snap.

There’s fear in his eyes as he stares back at me. “We have to get out of here.”

Nothing about what he’s saying makes any sense. “Get out of…what? We can’t! He needs to get to a hospital!”

“He won’t make it to the hospital,” he argues. “And we will all go to jail.”

“B-but it was an accident.”Wasn’t it?

He shakes his head. “That’s what the manslaughter charge is for. We willallgo down for this. Think of who his dad is. You really thinkJeremiah Rollinsis just going to let this go? He’ll make sure they throw the damn book at us.”

Not wanting to hear it, I ignore his every word and turn back to Monty. My vision blurs as tears flow from my eyes, but as I go to wipe them away, I’m only getting his blood on my face. Because it’s all over my hands. All overme.

The sound of Hayes ordering Mali to get into the boat barely registers in my mind as Cam grabs the anchor and tosses it onto the bow. Then, Hayes’s arms wrap around my stomach and he starts pulling me away.

“We have to go, Lai,” he says softly.

But this isn’t right. “No! We can’t just fucking leave him here!”

“We have no choice.”

“But he’s going to die!” I kick my legs and try my hardest to rip myself from his grasp. “We can’t just let him die!”

Hayes sighs. “Laiken, he’s already gone! There’s nothing we can do!”

“No,” I breathe. “No, he’s…”

“He’s gone,” Hayes repeats. “We have to go.”

My heart sinks as I notice the way I can’t see his chest moving anymore, and his head is slumped to the side. Sobs rack through me and I go to cover my mouth, but I realize I can’t. My hands are still stained red and covered in his blood.

Everything goes numb.

I can’t feel the rest of my body.

I can’t move.

Can’t look away from the sight of Monty lying on the sand.

Hayes passes me to Cam who sits me inside the boat, and I can hear the sound of Mali’s cries somewhere nearby. But as Hayes pushes the boat off the sand and climbs in, all I can do is watch as we leave Monty behind.
