He snorts. “Try living with her.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Watch it. There’s an empty room here I could easily move my things into.”

His bottom lip juts out. “You can’t threaten me on my birthday.”

Devin cocks a single brow at him. “Are you seriously pouting right now? You’re twenty-one years old.”

But he doesn’t answer. Instead, he covers her face with his whole hand and pushes her away. I’ve always loved his relationship with his family. Having kids might not be in the immediate plans for us, but sometimes, when I see him with them, it makes me think about what he would be like with a daughter of his own. It warms me from the inside out.

One day.

WE GET TO THEdocks to find Cam, Mali, and Monty already waiting for us. They each wish him a happy birthday, and Hayes even shakes Monty’s hand. It’s surprising to see, especially after what happened the last time Monty attempted that. But he’s in a good mood, and I don’t think he’s going to let anything get in the way of that.

Climbing onto the boat, Cam shows Hayes the massive cooler stocked with beer and liquor. There’s enough for an entire frat party in there, and it’s only the five of us. Something tells me we’re going to need to take an Uber home, but that’s fine. We deserve to let loose a little.

“Jesus Christ, man,” Hayes says. “Did you raid a liquor store?”

Cam chuckles. “It wasn’t me. Monty had it when I got here.”

Monty shrugs. “It’s no big deal. Not like it broke the bank or anything.”

I wince, expecting some smartass remark from Hayes about how he’s rubbing his money in our faces, or something about rich people, but one doesn’t come.

“Thanks.” He puts a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a generous man, Rollins.”

Leaning closer into Mali, I don’t take my attention off them. “What the fuck kind of twilight zone did we just step into?”

“The kind where Hayes can be bribed with alcohol, apparently.”

And here I thought sex was the best tool to use against him. Turns out, all I needed to do was get him some beer. Go figure.

Monty gets everything ready to go and we pull away from the dock, raising our drinks in the air to cheers the fact that Hayes is finally twenty-one and can legally obtain the liquor license for the bar.

WE’RE ALL DRINKING ANDhaving a good time as we wait for the sun to start setting. I don’t know who suggests it, but we start playing truth or dare. The last time we played this, Cam ended up calling chicken for the first time ever. Thankfully, I don’t think anyone is going to dare him to kiss Mali with her boyfriend right there.

Or at least I hope not.

I don’t think that would go over too well.

“Cam, truth or dare?” I ask.

He looks bored. “Dare.”

“I dare you to jump into the water.”

His eyes roll as he scoffs. “Fuck that. It’s bad enough I’m already the fifth wheel. I don’t want to be soaking wet, too.”

I scoff. “Please. You’re just afraid you’re going to get eaten by a shark. You have no balls.”

“Oh, and you do?” he counters.

“Yep!” I answer proudly. “They’re just too big to go between my legs, so God put them on my chest.”

Hayes sputters on his beer, coughing and gagging dramatically. Mali chuckles while Cam watches him like a circus act he doesn’t understand.

“What the fuck is wrong withyou?”

It takes Hayes a few seconds to catch his breath enough to answer, until he finally chokes out, “They were in my mouth this morning.”