Page 72 of All Your Fault

About what? Lying? Meddling? Omitting?

He stutters, “I… I was trying to… fuck.”

His beautiful face is taut with remorse. His jaws tremor and as much as I want to hold him and tell him that Joe, Ginger, and my dad will be okay…I can’t. If Joe dies, Ginger will never forgive me or him.

“How am I going to tell Ginger that my dad put her fiancé in the hospital?” I tuck my lips over my teeth while attempting to keep my composure.

He reaches for my hand, but I turn away. “I’ll tell her. It’s my fault.”

“No, it’s my family, I’ll do it.”

He tries to pull me into a hug with sorry on an endless repeat. “I love you, Adalee.”

“So that’s why you waited four hours to give me a heads up that my dad is hurt enough to be in the hospital? In this hospital. The accident isn’t your fault but if you love me, you should have told me immediately. That’s love? You promised…”

His phones pings and buzzes a hundred times, and mine hasn’t rung once. “Answer your phone, Hagan.” His friends, his family. I was wrong they’re not mine. They’re his but they are only mine as long as I’m in his life. My dad is mine.

He peeks at the screen. “You’re more important. I know I don’t’ deserve another chance but…”

His voice trails off as his teammates converge on us. Mac hugs him but Hagan shies away. Just like that Hagan slinks away with my heart. “Hagan, wait.”

Then Mac and Chaz hug me. “I’m sorry, but whatever you or Ginger need, I’m here.” I watch Hagan glance back over his shoulder and sees me in Chaz’s arms. Since Hagan and I became a couple, Chaz has finally backed off the immature name calling and setting off Hagan. I have a feeling the change is because he has a new girlfriend himself.

Archer comes running out, chasing Hagan. I mumble loudly, “Take care of him.”

I update the baseball players on what I know, minus the brain bleed. Because his parents and Ginger should hear that news first. I rub my fingers over the doctor’s card.

When I reach my dad’s room, the floodgates open, and I can’t quit crying.

“Sweetie don’t cry. I’m fine. How are the people in the other car?” he asks. This makes me feel better that it’s the first question he asked. I explain that the people in the other vehicle are mine and Hagan’s best friends. I don’t tell him much about Joe because I’m not supposed to know, except they moved him into critical care.

When I asked him what caused the wreck, he was honest. Now I know what to tell Ginger.

“Dad, I can’t believe you came. For me.”

He winces as he changes positions and his body scrapes across the scratchy sheets. “Well, your boyfriend is convincing.” He is. Hagan will wear you down until you submit to his charms. “Is he with you?”

“He left.”

My dad’s brow furrows into one wavy line. “Huh. He didn’t seem the type to roll over. He seems like the kind of guy that would figure out how to solve problems.”

I nod. My dad nailed him. But this is grief and if anyone knows how difficult it can be, it’s me. I hold his hand. “Dad, he knew you were here for hours. He sat with Joe until midnight without telling me you were here. What if?”

“Adalee, I’m by no means an authority on relationships. Obviously, I let us grow apart. Grief can consume you. I’m sorry but I promise I’ll be the best dad from this day forward. Can you forgive me?”

Nodding, I lay on his chest. “Dad, Hagan’s the best person in the world, and I just made him feel like this was all his fault.”

“If it’s anyone’s to blame, it’s me. He wants you to be happy. All he wanted was to help us repair our relationship. Nothing was his fault,” he says as he strokes my head.

I lay on his chest until I hear him snoring, and then I sneak out. By the time I get to Ginger’s room, her parents are in there, so I head to the waiting room.

Me:None of this is your fault. Please call me.

No response. No bouncing dots. Nothing.

The baseball players have left—or at least they aren’t in this waiting room. But I see a man that looks like an older version of Joe walking through the corridor. “Mr. Danke, I’m Ginger’s roommate.” And then I blurt out, “And my dad is the one who hit them.”

His eyes widen but stay soft. I watch his throat bob before he speaks. “Adalee, they talked about you and Hagan all weekend. Thanks for being here. But go home and get some sleep. They’re both sleeping. Come back in the morning. Tell Hagan thanks for getting us here so fast.”