Page 63 of All Your Fault



It’s asuitelife.The university suite has nothing on this VIP room at Kodiak Stadium. Most of the family went earlier than us because Hagan had to work on his paper. He hopes to be celebrating tonight so he wanted to finish it and not having it hanging over his head.

There’s more than family in the suite. Megan introduces me to her sister, Talynn, and her boyfriend, Tackett, who plays on another MLB team. They explain that they all know each other from the Sarasota Sharks so everything starts making sense.

There are wives and girlfriends standing in front of the glass, looking out on the field. I assume they are player wives because they’re wearing jerseys with names and numbers. Callaghan #15 and Shepherd #23. Megan gestures for Talynn and me to follow.

“Hey girls,” Megan shrieks. “It’s been so long. Every time I’ve been in town, you ladies have been at away games. They all exchange hugs then Megan introduces me. “This is Hagan’s girlfriend, Adalee.”

“I’m Avery and I’m obviously ready to pop. Please tell me you are in nursing in case I go into labor.”

I chuckle, popping my knuckles. “Sorry, engineering. Congratulations.”

Avery gently slaps Talynn on the back. “Well, Talynn you’re the winner. A massage therapist is close enough.”

Megan looks to the woman standing next to her. “And this is my best friend, Kenni. She works in marketing for the Kodiaks.”

I notice Kenni is counting her fingers thumb to pinky before she greets me. “Hi, I don’t know Hagan well, but we went to the same college for a couple of years.” She leans in and whispers, “I dated a guy on the baseball team.” She steps back. “Wils told me Hagan transferred to Kentucky. Is that how you met?”

I knew she looked familiar; Kenni and Wilson Shepherds’ love story has been all over the sports channels. They’re building trauma centers completely funded through their charity.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hagan’s within earshot, so I raise my voice a little louder and say, “Yeah, he tore my ACL.”

He comes up behind me, skimming his arms around my waist. “Tell the whole truth.” I can’t see his face, but he must flash his dimples because I watch everyone’s face soften and give the look ofaww. “Tell them how you couldn’t quit thinking about me. You were dreaming of me while walking across campus at night. You know that’s not safe.”

The pregnant woman, Avery, asks, “Were you thinking about having sex with him?” Kenni smacks her arm while everyone else laughs. Evidently, Avery has no filter, reminding me of Ginger.

When things quiet, I say, “I was thinking about his laugh. I hadn’t met him yet, but his laugh choked me. It’s so….”

Hagan kisses me on the cheek. “She loves me.” I feel my face redden. “But she made me work for it.”

My face warms. Neither of us have said those three little words but Hagan isn’t shy about hinting at the fact and letting me warm up to acknowledging my feelings out loud.

The announcer comes over the speaker and asks us to stand for the national anthem. I hear Megan say, “I can’t believe Archer and I married on home plate at the beginning of the season.”

Avery and Megan put their arms around Kenni, both squeezing her shoulder. “You’re up next.”

“I’m only twenty-three. Even though we’ve loved each other forever, we have more work to do on the trauma centers and Kodiak Kove before we get married. Megan, we have a plot of land waiting on you and Archer.”

Hagan gives me the rundown on the land the star Kodiaks bought. They’re constructing a neighborhood called Kodiak Kove. It’s intended for all the best friends and their families so the wives and children have a support system while the men are playing away. Wilson and Kenni, along with Patrick and Avery, are building houses for their parents too. They’re saving a few plots of Archer and Megan and a couple of their other best friends. They want their children to grow up together.

Then Hagan drags me away. He’s weaving me in and out of fans walking the Kodiak Koncourse. We finally end up in an empty room filled with cables and electrical wires. Hagan has the look in his eye like he’s the bear and I’m the honey pot.

This is the look he had this morning when he asked for a study bonus. I sat on the edge of the bed, exactly like he explained to me. It was the sexiest moment of my life. He stood naked in front of me with one roped forearm hanging to his side—the other guiding my head. Occasionally, he would stop, pulling out running over my lips while rasping dirty thoughts. “You want this salty goodness on your skin or in your mouth?” Since my mouth was full, he answered for me. “Let’s go with… skin. My good girl loves it dirty.”

He gave me a pearl necklace. It was hot watching his face morph from pleasure to tight to relaxed with that easy going smile, then we showered together since his family was gone.

Hagan backs me up against the concrete block wall. Kissing me for several minutes. Each motion digs into my mouth deeper. His hands work fast, ridding me of my pants. He stares at the sheer black lace thong then rips them off. Two days ago, I was a virgin and now I’m having sex in a closet at a major league baseball game.

He never fumbles around. It’s smooth like he’s practiced a thousand times. I stiffen and he recognizes the change in my body language. “What’s wrong?” His words glide across my skin.

I swallow, “How many times have you done this?”

“In here? None.”

His lips travel over the inside of my thigh but then he rises and takes my shirt with him. “God, I’m so happy I transferred.”