Page 56 of All Your Fault

“Umm, well I worked up an appetite. You do realize that I did all the work last night?”

“I guided you. Kept you on the tracks. You may have run off the road you were wanting to go so fast.” She quiets and I turn her around. “Are you okay? About us?”

She stills before facing me and giving me a chaste kiss. “Yeah. I’m glad I did what I did.”

I chuckle. “Me too.”

Her forehead creases and her eyes crinkle. “You were right. I needed to tell my dad how I felt and I did.”


“You horn dog. I wasn’t talking about us.”

Who says horndog? Probably her great aunt Gertie.


I pretend I knew. I grab some paper plates because we don’t have time to do dishes. I tell her that I finished one of my papers. “Oh I forgot. You have two. When did you do it?”

“You were knocked out so since I was wide awake thinking about you and…us…I wanted to complete one of them so we would have more time together this weekend.” Her eyes crinkle when she receives a compliment. “But we’ve got class this morning, so I’ll drive.”

After we finish eating, we return to my bedroom to get dressed. She pulls her yoga pants up and keeps on my jersey with my name across the shoulders. Chatham. Adalee Chatham. I like the way it sounds.

“Can I wear it to class? I mean, Ginger wears Joe’s sometime.”

What? Why am I bat over fucking balls for this girl? My girl. I basically told her last night without saying the words. But I used words like forever and everything I need.

Julia never wore my jersey or practice shirts. She bought a shirt and had my name heat pressed on it so it would fit her perfectly. But this is different—this my shirt—that I wear. “You know if you wear my jersey, it means your mine for life. It’s an unwritten rule.”

Her grin falters and disappears. “For life is a long time. No one’s ever loved me forever.”

And I make a promise to myself to love Adalee until death separates us.



Our project is running smoothly.Turns out Hagan and I are perfect business partners. His strengths are my weaknesses and vice-versa. The professor and the project coordinator ask us to take a leadership role. We will be the liaisons between the students and the company’s point person. All we have to do is keep a list of questions the students ask and put them into a spreadsheet by categories like mechanical, electrical, or structural engineering so the company can easily funnel them to the correct person.

We’ll receive up to five extra points on our assignment. And with Hagan’s goals, it could be the most important five points of his college career. It could mean the difference in a 3.8 or a 4.0. He’s crazy over his grades. I can’t believe he went down and wrote a paper after we had sex and then showerstuff. I’m waiting in the car while he runs it into his professor’s office, even though it’s not due until Monday.

Last night was amazing. I’m falling hard for him, which is scary—a beautiful thunderstorm of emotions. Then I remember my father is married to someone with twins and he’s happy. Why couldn’t he be happy with me?

Hagan’s running toward me with his phone next to his ear. His parents must have the genetic code of God himself—he’s perfect. His hair bounces as he slows his pace, and I can see his eyes reflecting the autumn sunlight from here. When he swings the driver’s side door open, his dimples hit me like tropical force winds. They simply take my breath away.

I love him. Is that possible? Already?

He slams it shut. “Let’s go pack you a weekend bag.” He stretches across the console pecking my cheek. “We’re going to Chicago.”

“What? When?”

“Now. We’re finished with classes. We’re going to watch the Chicago Kodiaks win game three of the World Championships,” he says as he reverses out of the parking space. “The first two games were in Texas. Now they come to us.”

I love how he says us, like he’s on the team. He’s excited, talking non-stop. “You’ll meet Harper, too.” He and Harper were probably the cutest two toddlers on the planet.

Clapping my hands quickly in succession, I respond. “Okay, I’ll go. Are we driving?” On one hand, it's exciting to go away with Hagan, but on the other, it’s nerve-racking to know I’ll be meeting his family.

He pats my leg. “Dad has a private jet waiting for us at the airport.”