Page 30 of Paper Swans

Hurrying through the house, he came to a stop at Shiloh’s closed door. He curled his fingers into a fist, poised to knock, but it still took him several moments to pluck up the courage—and even when he did—he was afraid the tapping was too quiet for anyone to hear.

After a beat, though, he heard his friend call out, “Come in. I know it’s you.”

Dom rolled his eyes but smiled as he pushed inside, the cheeky grin on his face a mask as he braced himself to see the thing he’d been fantasizing about for far too long. His heart thudded as his gaze took in the back of Shiloh. He was facing the window, and there wasn’t much to see. He had on the red, sort of silky cape with the hood up over his head. It covered most of him, cascading to the backs of his calves. But below that, Dom saw his shapely legs hugged by black fishnets, reaching all the way down to the Mary Janes that had an inch of sole strapped over the top of his feet.

His dick twitched, and he wished he’d had a jockstrap or something so he could have hidden how badly he was being tortured.

“Are you going to turn round?” he asked, an edge to his voice he desperately tried to hide by clearing his throat.

Shiloh’s shoulders hunched, and he didn’t move, saying nothing.

“Shiloh,” Dom breathed out. He took a step closer, hand reaching for him, but he stopped when Shiloh went tense. “You know I won’t take the piss.”

A moment passed, then two. Eventually, Shiloh let out a small breath and spun—fast, like he was just trying to get it over with. His eyes were closed, and in spite of desperately wanting to drink in the sight of his best mate—and probably the greatest love of his life—in a dress, his eyes were stuck on the dark shadow brushed over his eyelids.

He didn’t know if Shiloh had done it or if maybe someone had come over to help, but his makeup was perfect. He was pale as always, but his freckles were missing and there was a slight contour to his cheeks. When his head twitched slightly to the side, the light caught, and he saw that his cheeks were lit up with some sort of glitter.

“Fuckme, mate,” he said before he could stop himself.

Shiloh peered one eye open at him. “That bad?”

“You look amazing,” Dom told him. He couldn’t lie. Shiloh would see straight through him, and Dom loved him too much to betray him like that. “Who did your makeup?”

Shiloh bit his lip, and Dom had a feeling he was probably blushing under those layers of foundation and powder. “I did. Sarah came by earlier and helped me label all the colors so I could get it done right. But I, erm…” He let out a softhahand dropped his arms to his sides, and the motion caused the cape to open up, revealing the dress.

For a single beat of his heart, Dom thought he might pass out.

“I practiced,” Shiloh said.

Dom blinked, coming back to himself, and he cleared his throat again. “I can tell. You’ve done…I think it’s…” He had no words. He felt ridiculous and wished he was better at being what Shiloh needed. “Is that what the blue was on your eyes the other night?”

Shiloh’s face erupted in pink. “Yeah.”

“I thought so. It didn’t look like paint, but I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” He absently reached up, adjusting his wolf ears, trying to think of what to say.

“You look really good too,” Shiloh said softly.

Dom rolled his eyes and took a step back. “This was all Sarah,” he said, gesturing at his face. “I had no idea what I was doing.”

Shiloh swallowed, and Dom saw the way it caught in his throat as he took a step forward. “Well, she did brilliantly.” He curled his hand into a fist, then released it as he stepped close enough to touch, and he laid just the tips of his fingers on Dom’s shoulder. “I, erm, I have something for you.”

Dom’s brows dipped. “Okay. You didn’t need to get me anything.”

Shiloh laughed softly and shook his head. “I didn’t. Sarah…she told me that you,” he started, then stopped, and Dom could see he was fiddling with something in his hand.

Dom swallowed against a lump in his throat. “She told you that I what?”

Shiloh reached out and uncurled his fingers. Sitting against his palm was a little paper swan, perfectly creased if not a little wrinkled from the way Shiloh had been holding it.

Dom made a soft noise in the back of his throat. “Shiloh…”

“Just take it,” Shiloh said. “Read what I wrote.”

Dom’s fingers trembled as he plucked the swan from his friend’s grasp and tugged at the wing. It gave easily. “You know I’m shit at this,” he added with a small, self-deprecating laugh.

“You’ll understand this.”

Dom was petrified as he straightened the last fold, then stared down at the thick, simple block letters in the center. Not a limerick, the way he liked to send. Not a little drawing that Shiloh usually sent him. Just three words that made him feel like he was both falling and flying all at the same time.