Page 36 of Paper Swans

“Oh my God,” Shiloh gasped as Sarah nodded and said, “It’s true. He did.”

Dom tried to hold in a laugh. “Mate. That’s…”

“I know,” Jules said. “But I know she told you about my bitch of a mum causing trouble all last week, and I was in total panic mode thinking she was going to say no. Or run.”

“I’m in love with a moron,” Sarah groaned.

Dom grinned over at Jules. “So in love you’ve agreed to marry him.”

“I’ve compromised all my morals, and I couldn’t be happier,” she said.

Shiloh made a soft happy noise as he leaned in close to Dom, hugging his arm and laying his cheek on his bicep. Dom was struck by the sudden realization that none of this was new. If nothing had happened the night of the party—if nothing had changed—they’d be doing exactly that right there.

Fucking shitting hell, how had he not seen it? How did he ever doubt?

Why had he wasted so much time being scared of the best thing that could ever happen to him?

He met Sarah’s gaze across the table as Jules and Shiloh launched into work complaints, and he stroked his fingers over Shiloh’s knuckles as he mouthed, ‘Thank you,’ to her.

‘Any time,’ she mouthed back.

Dom settled back into his seat, getting lost in the rise and fall of Shiloh’s passionate rant, and he realized that amazing sex aside, and the surprise he was currently hiding in the front of his jeans to come, he’d never be happier.

And he could only pray to any god willing to listen that he got to keep this. Forever. And if that was a bit too long, he’d like to tack on a day.


The Wedding

Shiloh pressedhis nose close to the glass, trying to see himself properly. He was dressed in a tux, which made him want to pull his face off with how scratchy the starched fabric was against him, but it was for Sarah, so he supposed it was worth it.

The lights in the dressing rooms were fluorescent, which was the worst thing for his eyes, but he couldn’t find the switch to turn them off, and Dom had been gone for a quarter of an hour. The two of them had mostly gotten dressed at their house before the ceremony, but they wanted to put finishing touches on at the venue. Sarah had rented out several little cottages on the water for everyone since the ceremony was going to be held right where the low waves would lap at their feet.

It was so very Sarah that it made Shiloh feel emotional.

Breathing out gently, Shiloh raked his fingers through his hair. It was one of the first compromises he’d made with himself—growing it out. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready to live out in the open with certain things. He wasn’t sure he ever really wanted to.

He’d come to realize after he and Dom had become official, that it was something he wanted to share quietly with the person he trusted the most. He didn’t need the world to see him in skirts and dresses. He didn’t want people doing double-takes as he walked down the street in heels and fishnets.

He just wanted a safe space for when he put them on, and Dom had always been that. Romance or no.

A small part of him regretted not saying anything sooner. He could’ve spoken up decades before, and Dom would have immediately dragged him to London to go shopping. But fear had kept him from so much.

It wasn’t worth dwelling on, though. It had been almost a year to the day, and Shiloh was living with Dom in his little house down the hill from the farm. His dad had all but thrown him into the street when Shiloh started to hesitate about the idea of moving, and Dom had just laughed, then carted half his things down the hill in a wheelbarrow.

Shiloh had been quietly terrified of all the changes, of things getting worse now that they were official. Instead, they’d only gotten better.

The thought made him smile as he bunched his hair into a bun and wrapped an elastic tie around it. It was only just long enough now for his springy curls to hold in place, and he turned from side to side in a failed attempt to get a good look at his reflection.

But everything was entirely washed out in white.

With a sigh, he grabbed the little makeup kit Sarah had given him, bypassing the eyeshadow because he’d only make a mess of it, and taking out the tinted gloss. He laid on a thin layer and was just capping it when he heard the door open.

There was a beat of silence, then a gentle knock on the wall, meaning it was his dad.

Shiloh turned quickly. ‘Blind from the lights.’

Benjamin crossed the floor and took Shiloh’s hands into his own, signing in the tactile way they’d developed over the years when Shiloh’s eyes weren’t cooperating. ‘You look beautiful.’