Page 35 of Paper Swans

“What are you thinking?” Shiloh asked.

“That I’m in love with you,” Dom said simply. “It’s going to take me a while to get over the fact that I can say that.”

Shiloh laughed quietly and backed away, slipping past the curtain. “Give me a few minutes to change back into my clothes. We’re going to be late meeting Sarah if we keep making out.”

Dom wanted to say he didn’t give a single shit what Sarah thought, but they hadn’t seen her since before the party, and they owed her everything. Lunch was the least they could do. Turning back to the pile of discarded clothes, he eyed a small pile of silky knickers and swept them into his hands.

“Meet you outside, love!” he called. He knew Shiloh would linger a bit longer in those clothes. He wasn’t ready to change himself or his wardrobe, but he’d quietly confessed to Dom that he’d lock himself in his bathroom at home, put on makeup, and then stare at himself until his eyes went blurry.

Someday, things would be different. Until then, Dom could do little things like shoving the knickers at the poor saleswoman and trying to rush her through ringing him up.

“Would you like any of these wrapped?” she asked.

Dom quickly shook his head, looking over his shoulder to make sure Shiloh wasn’t coming. “No. Just bang them into something. I’m in a bit of a rush.”

She shot him a frown, but she placed them in a plastic shopping bag, and he grabbed it, rushing for the front. He had nowhere to hide it, and in the end, he stuffed it into the front of his jeans like a creep.

He didn’t bother looking around at the people passing him by, and he hovered near the wall until the shop door opened, and Shiloh appeared. He looked a bit flushed, but he was smiling, and Dom noticed the sun reflected on a bit of shiny, clear gloss he’d put on his lips.

Fuck, he wanted to kiss it away just to watch him reapply it.

Instead of doing that, he snagged Shiloh’s hand and threaded their fingers together, swinging their hands between them. The sound of Shiloh’s laugh might have been the single greatest thing in the universe. Fuck, he was so in love.

“Guide me,” Shiloh said, gripping Dom’s arm instead of pulling out his cane.

Dom hooked a finger under his chin and kissed him. “Always.”

They came around the corner, and Dom immediately spotted Sarah waiting for them, looking vaguely irritated, with Jules at her side, wearing his usual smile. Dom leaned in to his lover. “Sarah’s probably going to have words for us.”

“When doesn’t she,” Shiloh asked. He gave Dom’s arm a pat and made a clicking noise as though he were a horse.

“Cute,” Dom muttered, but he couldn’t get rid of his grin as they approached the tables.

Sarah was instantly on her feet, levelling a finger at them both. “Kiss. Right now.”

They both froze, then Dom cleared his throat. “Sorry?”

“You heard me. I said kiss. Right now. I refuse to believe you two got your heads out of your arses that easily. So prove it.”

Dom felt a surge of irritation rush through him. “We’re not a performing art piece, Sarah. I’m not going to just snog my boyfriend to prove—”

He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. Shiloh spun him, cradling his face as he kissed him soft and painfully tender. Dom lost himself at the feel of Shiloh’s warm tongue gently grazing his lips before he pulled back.

“You called me your boyfriend,” Shiloh whispered.

Dom tipped his head down, knocking their foreheads together. “S’what you are, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Shiloh said with a laugh.

Dom hummed, rocking them gently from side to side until someone to their left cleared their throat, and he peered around at Jules, who was covering his eyes with one hand while Sarah gave a slow golf-clap.

“Fantastic. Now we can eat.”

Shiloh scoffed as Dom guided him to a chair, and he leaned forward, shading his eyes to help him see. “Now you prove it. Show me the ring right now.”

Sarah immediately shoved her hand out, wriggling her fingers as Shiloh grabbed them and held the ring up close to his face. After a beat, he sighed and shot Dom a soft look. “It’s gorgeous. Was it amazing?”

“It was a disaster,” Jules admitted. “I got so nervous I fainted.”