Page 24 of Paper Swans

“I get it. Well…” Shiloh heard a faint slapping sound and figured the guy had dropped his arms to his thighs. “If anything changes, you’ve got my number.”

“Of course. Will you, ah…still be at the party?”

“I was thinking about it. So long as it won’t be too weird.”

“Not at all. See you round.”

It only took a second to realize what was happening, and Shiloh was incensed by the time the bench shifted with Dom’s weight. He took several breaths before he trusted himself to speak again.

“You had a date with Kellen to the party.”

Dom cleared his throat. “Sort of. I told you Sarah was on me about—”

“You had a confirmed date with him,” Shiloh said through clenched teeth. “At least, confirmed enough to need to cancel.”


“Don’t,” he said, pushing to his feet.

“I’m not trying to fight with you,” Dom said, and Shiloh saw his shadow as he rose. “You asked me to go with you. I don’t know what the bloody hell I did wrong.”

“Saying yes to me for a start,” Shiloh said, throwing his free hand into the air. “Not being honest. Patronizing me.”

“Patronizing you? When have I fucking ever—”

“I need to go,” Shiloh said. He took a breath, then turned. “I’m walking home.”

“Don’t be daft,” Dom called, but when Shiloh ignored him, he didn’t follow.

He didn’t have any clue if he was glad about it or more heartbroken that Dom wasn’t willing to fight for him, but at least he got what he wanted. He was starting to break his own heart, but maybe that was the true start to moving on.

* * *

Elvis nudged Shiloh’s chin,nipping at him, and he looked down at her tuft of black feathers. Giving her a little stroke, she nestled into his arms. She was probably his favorite chicken ever—a weird little thing that bullied all the other hens while crowing like a damn rooster. His dad didn’t believe him until one day she started doing it while Benjamin was holding her, and he felt it running through her body.

Like most silkies, she was more emotional support animal than farm chicken, spending all her free time trying to break into the house so she could snuggle with him on the sofa. Which was what they were doing now as the sun dipped low on the horizon.

He stroked the front of her as she nested in the crook of his neck, and he turned his gaze back to the TV. The sound was muted only because if he turned it on, his dad had a bad habit of turning it up for him and forgetting about it. And days like today, Shiloh’s sensory overload was threatening to send him to bed for the entire weekend.

A soft tap on the wall drew his attention to the kitchen door and Shiloh found his dad there, watching him with raised brows. ‘I’ve been watching you talk to her for the last half hour. Do you want to tell me what’s going on?’

‘Nothing,’ Shiloh answered with flippant fingers, but of course, his dad wasn’t buying it. Benjamin walked over and sat down, giving his son a pointed stare until Shiloh cracked. ‘Fine. I had another row with Dom.’

Benjamin’s eyes widened. ‘How many has that been?’

‘Two in a week,’ he admitted. ‘It’s all about this party. I should just cancel.’

Leaning over his knees, Benjamin met his gaze. ‘Is that really what you want?’

The truth was, Shiloh didn’t know. The issue with Dom was uncharted territory. It was not their first fight, of course. He could remember dozens of times where they didn’t speak for a few days, and even once an entire week. But those were over petty problems like where to book short holidays and who was going to pay for concert tickets.

This was something entirely new. Shiloh had had his feelings truly hurt. He knew damn well Dom thought he was doing something kind, something loyal by cancelling the date, but that was the problem. He had no idea how pathetic it made Shiloh feel like he was the charity choice.

His throat felt tight, and he swallowed heavily, setting Elvis down on the floor. She wandered off as he swiped a few feathers from his front, then found the courage to look at his dad.

‘I’m lost.’

Benjamin’s face fell, and he shifted over from the chair to the sofa. ‘I know. I’ve been watching you for a while.’