Page 77 of Endless, Forever

Oliver laughed and winked over at Derek. “You’re a real treasure. I hope you get lucky tonight.” He didn’t look back as he followed the hostess to the table. She set out the menus and then promised the server would be by within a few moments to see if he needed anything.

Sitting at the table now, his nerves started to get the best of him. His hands were on his thighs, but his fingers were trembling and quaking, and he was fighting off the very real urge to down the martini. Instead, he took another slow drink, and prepared himself for Gabe’s inevitable shock and fury.

Ten minutes passed, then fifteen. The time for the reservation had come and gone by twenty. Oliver was on his second drink and getting pity looks from Derek across the restaurant.

He was about to call it quits when he heard a too-familiar voice asking for his name at the front. His stomach jumped into this throat and he forced himself to take several, calming breaths. He was buzzing from the gin a little, which he wasn’t sure now if that was a good or bad thing, and he closed his eyes for a second.

When he opened them, there was Gabe. He looked so much the same and yet so different, and Oliver physically ached. Gabriel’s hair was shorter now, tamed a bit with product, though still a nest of curls just above his ears. His brows were dipped low, mouth in a thin line, and he was wearing trousers and a shirt similar to his own. It was strange seeing him like that, out of his patchwork jeans and threadbare t-shirts.

But it was still him. It was still the Gabe he’d walked away from three years ago, and his heart felt like it was about to beat out of his chest.

By some miracle, Gabe merely gave him a nod and took his seat. He didn’t shout, he didn’t even seem surprised which was the most startling part until Oliver realized what was happening.

“Jake told you?”

One of Gabe’s eyebrows lifted, and then a very careful, very slow smile crept across his mouth. It showed one of his dimples, and Oliver was certain he might go into cardiac arrest. “Yeah. He sold you out.”

“Probably for the best,” Oliver muttered. “I’m a complete arse, but I wasn’t sure you’d meet me if you knew who I was.”

Licking his lips, Gabe turned his face up as the server approached. “I would very much like a pint of whatever your best lager is.”

“We’ve got…”

“I don’t care,” Gabe said a little sharply. “Whatever’s most expensive.” He turned his gaze back to Oliver. “This is all on the company, right?”

Giving a startled laugh, Oliver nodded. “It is, yeah.”

The server looked less than impressed but turned and walked off to give the order. Oliver looked up to see Derek watching, and he smiled, giving his head the barest shake.

“I almost didn’t come, you know. I think I walked up to the restaurant, then turned back around forty times before I finally gave up and came in.”

“I wouldn’t have blamed you. Did erm…did Jake explain the whole thing?”

“Not all of it, I don’t think,” Gabe said, and sat back, crossing his arms. He cleared his throat, then sighed. “He only said you had gotten my book and were worried how I felt about you editing my work.”

“I traded for it. Not on purpose,” Oliver added in a rush, wishing he had something other than gin to combat the sudden dryness in his mouth. “One of my co-workers was trying to set me up on this ridiculous blind date. I told her I’d go if she’d take my shite book for the decent one she’d just got. I didn’t…I had no idea it was yours.”

“Penname,” Gabe said quietly. His eyes were calculating, but they were soft, and Oliver swore his heart stopped beating for just a second because it had been so long since he’d been able to see Gabe’s face. His hands twitched, desperate to reach out and touch him, so he curled them in his lap.

“I got a couple chapters in, and it started to become fairly obvious. By the end, I knew it was you. It was cleverly done, don’t get me wrong, and very good. I’m impressed.”

Gabe gave him a little smile. “Thanks.”

“Jake all but threatened my life if I did anything to make you pull the book and run. Which I hope you’re not going to do. The book is going back to my co-worker who is an incredibly brilliant editor. You won’t have any trouble with her.”

“I’m not worried about it,” Gabe said, then looked up with a kinder smile when his beer arrived. “Thank you.”

“Need a few moments before you order?”

“Maybe longer,” Gabe confessed.

“Some water would be wonderful, though,” Oliver cut in. “And an appetizer?”

Gabe shrugged. “Have you still got the hummus one?”

The server nodded. “Cucumbers and carrots, or pita?”

“The veggies,” Gabe said.