Page 71 of Endless, Forever

“You are unbelievable,” Oliver complained. “I wish my biggest problem was having to fry up some fucking bacon in the mornings.”

“Thatisyour biggest problem,” Leo reminded him. “Anyway, quit faffing round and just go inside, get your beer—or whatever shit you drink these days—and send me a text after. Though if he actually does have a neck-beard and fedora, you’re immediately taking a photo.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Oliver said, sucking on the cigarette one last time before flicking it away. “I’m going to post it and tag that bitch Kristen in it if she seriously tried to set me up with some hipster.”

“Hipster White Boy TM, bane of your existence?” Leo asked with a laugh.

“Fuck off. I’ll talk to you later.” Oliver hit the end button and shoved his phone into his pocket before heading for the front doors. He had no intention of actually making something work with this guy. Just two drinks and a less difficult book to edit at the end of the day.

Pushing open the doors, Oliver stepped into the bar and glanced around the dark space. Will hadn’t given in to his request for a selfie, and instead said he’d be at a pub table near the bar, and would be wearing a white t-shirt, and had brown, curly hair.

It wasn’t a lot to go on, but as Oliver scanned the crowed, there was only one who fit the description. The man was wearing a very wide smile, which was barely visible through the massive beard on his chin. Oliver had to physically hold back his grimace as he offered his own smile and walked over.

He was not a fan of facial hair at all, and he had always been clear about that one. It was no surprise why Kristen had kept it a secret, and he knew Will’s personality would have to be screamingly brilliant for him to be interested in anything beyond a second date.

“Oliver?” Will asked, his voice surprisingly light for being so tall and broad.

Oliver extended his hand for a quick shake. “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting long?”

“Nah, I got here a little early.” He flicked the edge of his pint glass with his thumb. “Paced myself though. Can I grab you a drink?”

Just then a server popped by, and Oliver quickly gave his order. “Gin martini, rocks, extra dirty with two olives.”

When she was gone, Will gave a short laugh. “I like a man who knows what he wants in alcohol.”

Oliver almost grimaced at the horrible line, but instead he smiled and shrugged. “I’m only a little fussy, and mostly about my booze. I’m sure Kristen told you loads more, and it’s probably all lies and slander.”

“How about the part where you’re the CEO’s son?” Will offered.

Oliver’s cheeks pinked a little. “Fine. And that. Though it should be telling that I’m not some corporate suit, and I’m working in the dredges just like everyone else at the company.”

Will chuckled and shook his head. “Dude, no worries. My dad actually owns the SeaSide Farmer’s Market.”

“So, you’re a sell-out hipster, then?”

When Will laughed again, Oliver felt a stab of annoyance at how easily entertained he was. The server dropped off the martini, and he quickly took half down in one gulp.

“Bad day? Or is this because you had to be coerced to go on this date?” Will asked.

Oliver flushed and shrugged. “It was less a coercion and more of a buy-out. She let me trade one of the worst books I have ever read for something written by a decent author. I just have to agree to at least one more date if you’re keen after this.”

“Are you going to try and make yourself seem unfriendly and rude so I won’t want to?” Will asked, a small sparkle in his eye.

“Oh, no worries there, mate,” Oliver said with a wry grin. “It’ll only take me being my sunny self.”

With a snort, Will leaned forward. “Would it help if I told you that I only agreed to go on this date to get her off my back too?”

Blinking in surprise, Oliver set his glass down and clasped his hands. “Really?”

“Really really. She doesn’t seem to understand that after a long relationship and painful break up, some people might actuallywantto be alone for a while. After six weeks of nightly phone calls and daily emails, I got her to agree to get off my case if I tried one date and it didn’t work out. I think she thinks you’re more charming than you actually are.”

“I’m not sure if I should be relieved or insulted,” Oliver admitted.

Will laughed again. “Don’t worry, you areridiculouslygood looking, and I think your personality is more friendly than you want to admit. But I’m not interested in having a boyfriend.”

Oliver sighed in relief. “Thank God. I was not interested in trying to fend you off all night. But you seem like a decent sort so I’m happy to at least share a few drinks.”

Will’s grin widened, and Oliver felt himself relax knowing now the pressure was completely off. “So why not tell me about this book you traded off. I want to know Kristen’s suffering.”