Page 47 of Endless, Forever

Oliver was more than content to stand there with his hands at Gabe’s waist, just holding him. Gabe didn’t protest when Oliver tucked his face into his neck, and they ignored any strange looks they got as they basked in each other.

“How was the flight back?” Gabe asked after a little while.

“Terrible,” Oliver groaned against Gabe’s warm skin. “It felt twice as long as the one going over, and Leo was anxious the entire time. Got no sleep, and I’ve so much paperwork to get sorted. My mum left everything in my name.”

Gabe brushed his hand down Oliver’s back. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You want some help with it?”

Oliver hummed his appreciation at the offer and the nickname. “Nah, it’s fine. Most of it’s just signatures, then I have to fax it over to my dad. His lawyers will make sure everything’s sorted. It’s just not something I especially feel like doing.”

Gabe chuckled. “You know, you were only there a few days and I’m pretty sure your accent is stronger.”

“Oh, sod off,” Oliver groaned, and Gabe laughed harder. “Just you wait til I drag you there, you shit. You’ll be talking like a Londoner in no time.”

“You really think it’s enough to outweigh my born-in, hysterical American patriotism?”

“You’re an idiot,” Oliver said, raising his head for a kiss.

A few moments later, they were called to their table, lucking out and getting one right at the window. Oliver immediately ordered a couple of mimosas and the pair filled their plates before relaxing back in their chairs, the soft, early summer sun filtering across the table.

“So,” Gabe said as he nibbled on some of the fruit, “how are you really?”

Oliver wanted to lie, because the last thing he wanted to do was drudge up all the emotions his mother’s funeral had brought to the surface, but he’d made himself a promise to do better. To be better. “I think I’m alright, but I’m not sure. I think right now the relief of being home is eclipsing anything else. I was barely together during the whole thing. I had to take a couple of Leo’s sedatives.”

Gabe pulled a face. “Not sure I like the sound of that.”

“I was careful, they weren’t anything illegal,” Oliver muttered, poking at his smoked salmon. “Mikey gave him something to take in case it became too much.”

Gabe, who knew Mikey from their group at the university, licked his lips and looked away. “I’ve just heard a few things about Mikey lately, and if Leo’s getting really close to him, you might want to be careful.”

Oliver narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”

Gabe let out a breath. “Maybe we should talk about this later. You just got in and…”

“No,” Oliver said firmly. “Being an adult means dealing with this shit when I need to. So, what exactly did you hear?”

“That he’s been into more than just easy shit lately,” Gabe said, shrugging one shoulder. “More than just pills or weed.”

Oliver licked his lips. “Like…”

“Like hard stuff,” Gabe said, his voice tense. “Heroin, mostly.”

“Shit.” Oliver let out a heavy breath. “You know for sure?”

“No,” Gabe said in a rush. “I don’t know for sure, which is why I didn’t say anything before now. But if he’s giving your sibling opiates casually, you might want to just…check. Or keep an eye out.”

Oliver swallowed thickly. “I’m trying not to police him.”

“I know,” Gabe said. “And you’ve done really well there, and heisgetting better. But I just…worry.”

Oliver felt torn between worry and anger. Why would Gabe bring this up now? And based off arumor? But he reminded himself forcefully that Gabe was only concerned. He was friends with Leo, and he loved Oliver. He wasn’t trying to stir up anything unpleasant just for the hell of it.

“I’ll talk to him about it,” Oliver said eventually.

Gabe looked sad as he picked up his coffee and took a long drink. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said.”

“Nah,” Oliver replied loftily. “It’s really fine. I’ll sort it, but for now I just want to enjoy this.”

Gabe’s face softened and he smiled across the table. “That sounds ideal to me. After this I think we should go back to your place and have a day in.”