Page 12 of Endless, Forever

Oliver nodded, looking back almost shyly at Gabe’s dark eyes watching him. “Definitely. I’ll pop by the café later if you’re working.”

Gabe’s smile widened. “I am. Evening shift, so after six.”

“Good excuse to get my homework done.” Oliver took a step closer, and Gabe’s hand darted out, grabbing the edge of Oliver’s shirt to pull him close. “And…have you slip me free, expensive British tea,” he said, almost whispering.

“Only if you’re very good…or very stressed,” Gabe said, and laughed very softly as he gripped the side of Oliver’s hip. “Thanks for the awesome sleep.”

“And morning cuddles,” Oliver breathed, leaning his forehead in so they were pressed together. Their noses brushed, and he knew all he’d have to do was angle his head, and they’d be kissing. But he waited. “I’d like to try that again sometime.”

“Won’t hear me saying no.” Gabe’s hand moved up, cupping the side of Oliver’s neck, then pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, barely brushing the corner of Oliver’s mouth. “Get home safe, okay?”

Oliver breathed out hard though his nose, pressing his forehead even tighter against Gabe’s before peeling himself away. “Text you later. I swear.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” Gabe called, and then he turned and closed his apartment door.

Head spinning, Oliver headed down the stairs and in spite of the chilly morning air, he didn’t seem to notice. His feet clomped along the pavement as he made the walk toward his house, and for the first time since he could remember, Leo wasn’t the only thing on his mind. For the first time, he was looking forward to something he felt that maybe, just maybe, he deserved.


On a whim, Oliver went by the sandwich shop nestled in the University Mall and grabbed a couple of breakfast sandwiches for himself and Leo. It was a small gesture, one he was hoping would inspire his sibling to show some sort of remorse, or at least offer the barest apology. He knew Leo loved him, but he wondered if Gabe was right about everything. Maybe taking care of Leo constantly was only making it worse.

His post-Gabe smile was long gone as he stepped into the house, looking around at the empty living room. There was a vague, humid smell meaning someone had taken a shower, so he ventured up and saw Leo’s door cracked open.

Pushing on it with his toe, he peered into the dark space, seeing a lump under the covers which had to be his sibling. Easing himself in, he sat on the bed and used his elbow to shove at Leo’s legs until the younger man threw back the covers.

“What?” he hissed.

Oliver handed out the wrapped sandwich. “I brought you breakfast.”

Leo’s face was hard for only a moment more. The corner of his mouth softened, then quirked up into a half smile as he reached out and took the sandwich from his sibling. “Is there bacon on it?”

“You think I’m a heathen?” Oliver asked, smiling back.

The pair of them shuffled backward to the headboard, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, eating in relative silence. Oliver could recall a handful of these moments in his past, but not enough to make his past experiences worth it.

Crumpling up the parchment paper, he tossed it in the general direction of the bin, then crooked one leg up, hugging it to his chest. “You feeling alright?”

Leo sighed. “Can you save your lecture for…”

“I’m not going to lecture you,” Oliver interrupted dryly. “Honestly, I just want to know if it’s out of your system.”

Leo dropped his sandwich wrapping to the floor beside the bed, then leaned his head back and turned sideways to stare at his sibling. “Mostly. I can probably make it to my last couple of classes today. I just need another hour or two of sleep.”

Oliver reached up, carding his fingers through his hair. “I can’t stomach the thought of you having to go back toher, alright? We’re so close to being done and I just…fuck,mate, can you please try?”

Leo rolled his eyes, but he gave his sibling a playful nudge with his elbow. “Yeah, alright. I’m…I’m not doing this on purpose, you know? I just drink and then stop thinking. I don’t even remember who gave me that shit.”

“Well luckily Gabe was there before anything really tragic happened.”

Leo snorted a laugh. “Lucky for who? Me, or your dick?”

“You know what…” Oliver stopped, blushing a little. “Actually, I think he and I have a date. Or the promise to make a date. Or something.”

“Or something,” Leo mocked, but he was smiling wider. “I had a feeling you would like him. I almost mentioned something the other day, but you’ve been such a twat about dating I thought it was better not to. He’s a good sort though, so don’t fuck him up.”

Oliver licked his lips, shaking his head before he was really aware of what he was promising. “Proper date. No one-offs. I’m going to see him tonight at the café.”

Leo reached over, giving his sibling’s shoulders a squeeze before shoving him up a little. “Good. Now fuck off so I can sleep and actually try to be a decent student for once, okay? And if it makes you feel better…I’ll stay in tonight.”