Page 65 of Endless, Forever

That was how Sam found his boyfriend four hours later.

It was half-eleven when Sam finally walked in, looking exhausted and a little surprised to see Oliver still up. He was curled up on the sofa, the worried expression still marring his face.

Sam quickly shrugged off his coat, stepping around a pizza box left carelessly on the floor, and sat down a cushion away from his boyfriend. “Alright there, cariad?”

“As I can be,” Oliver muttered. He hadn’t looked over, but when Sam reached out to grab his thigh, he didn’t pull away. “Work late?”

“Sharon was up my arse almost literally about this fucking West Ham piece. Made me go down to that disgusting pub, you know where they all go for drinks after? Once they saw my press badge, it was like rabid dogs or something.”

“Should’ve got pissed,” Oliver said, the absent tone still hanging on his words. “Would have made it more bearable.”

“So is coming home sober enough to snog my boyfriend,” Sam pointed out.

Oliver turned his head slowly, unable to stop a slow grin. “Oh? Is that what you had in mind?”

“Unless you want to continue your worrying?”

Rolling his eyes, Oliver shifted over and twisted his fingers into the front of Sam’s shirt. He pulled him in, kissing him deeply for a few moments. “You taste of smoke.”

“Yeah well, I got that one fit center-forward you like watching to give me an exclusive as long as I had half a pack of those Turkish smokes with him. Honestly, I feel a bit high.”

Oliver laughed and shook his head. “You’re ridiculous.” He tugged Sam down and kissed him again. “You want to go to bed?”

“I thought your plan was to get absolutely no sleep and worry for the next three days.”

Oliver lifted his eyebrows. “Who said anything about sleep, eh?”

Sam’s eyes instantly went darker as he rose, dragging Oliver with him. They kissed once more before Sam propelled Oliver backward down the hall, and into the bedroom. He closed it with a soft click, flicking the lock just to be safe, and turned as Oliver was pulling his shirt up over his head.

Licking his lips, Sam began to wriggle out of his pub-smelling clothes, leaving them on a pile on the floor near the bed as he took several, careful steps toward his lover. His long, pale fingers ghosted up Oliver’s stomach, pausing to swirl around his nipples before lowering his head and running the flat of his tongue along the hard nub.

Oliver groaned quietly, tipping his head back as Sam’s mouth worked a trail up toward his neck, sucking dully at the sensitive skin just under his ear. “Want you,” Oliver moaned.

“What a coincidence,” Sam said, and grabbed Oliver’s wrist, bringing the other man’s hand to the bulge in his boxers. “It seems like I feel the same way.”

“You’re an idiot,” Oliver said with a laugh as he flopped back down on the bed. Sam knelt between his knees, gently palming Oliver’s erection through the thin cloth, and leaned his head down for a slow kiss.

Their tongues slid against one another, hot and needy, and Oliver moaned again, right into Sam’s mouth. “Want you inside me.”

This time Oliver’s groan was loud, all thoughts of waking his sibling gone. The only thing that mattered right then was getting Sam on his back, legs in the air, and cock inside him. “Grab the…the…” Oliver barely managed as Sam slid his hand into Oliver’s boxers. “Fuck.” Sam began to stroke him with a firm, up and down motion, thumbing the top of his cock with each pull.

With his free hand, Sam groped around the drawer for the lube and condoms, wasting no more time. He didn’t protest when Oliver flipped them over, or when Oliver squirted the lube onto Sam’s hand. “Go on. I want to watch you.”

Sam threw his head back, groaning even louder than Oliver had as he put one hand between his legs and began to prepare himself. Oliver watched, licking his lips hungrily, barely suppressing a needy tremble.

He didn’t last long before shoving Sam’s hand away and slicking himself up over the condom. Holding Sam’s legs behind the knees, Oliver pressed against him, and looked into his eyes. “Ready for me?”

“More than. Please,” Sam begged. “Fuck me.”

Oliver gave a wolfish smile as he pushed forward, hard and fast the way Sam liked it. His pulse raced at the sight of Sam’s head thrown back, a blush crawling across his cheeks. His mouth was open, panting as he thrust his hips in time with Oliver’s canting. “Good,” he groaned. “Good,yes.”

Sam gave as good as he got, enthusiastic and needy as he reached between them to stroke himself. The sight of him, the feel of Sam’s insides trembling and tightening around him, Oliver didn’t last long. His head dipped forward and with a few, hard thrusts, he spilled into the rubber.

He was vaguely aware of Sam coming shortly after, a groan and a shiver. Oliver took a moment to appreciate how delicious his boyfriend looked before pulling out and carefully tying the condom off. He tossed it into the bin, then collapsed on the pillow. A small smile crossed his face as Sam drew him close, pressing several kisses across his cheeks.

“That was amazing.”

“Mm,” Oliver agreed, unable to keep his eyes open. “Knackered now too. I owe you one.”