Page 50 of Endless, Forever

He laughed. “Close enough. You do remember?”

“Couldn’t forget that cute southern drawl,” Oliver said, putting his arm on a fit bicep. “Fancy seeing you here, though.”

“I get around. I’ve seen you on campus a few times, but never had the balls to come and say hi.”

“But you’ve got them now, do you?” Oliver asked, leaning in slightly. His head was spinning, and the man’s smile was almost blinding.

“Well, I’ve had some liquid courage.”

Oliver laughed, unable to stop himself. “Fuck. What do you say you and I go out for a smoke, yeah? This place is crowded.” He couldn’t remember his name, but Texas would do for now. Looping their arms together, Oliver headed for the back door which led to a massive yard, complete with a huge gazebo, pool, and canopy.

Several people were milling around, smoking, drinking, a few people in the pool fully clothed and attempting a game of volleyball over a battered net. There were cups everywhere, discarded bottles, and in the back of his mind, Oliver wondered what a bitch it would be to handle the clean-up.

Then he smirked because it wouldn’t be his job, and he found himself leaning into Texas as he fished smokes out of his pocket. He grabbed two, sticking them both in his mouth and lighting them before handing one off.

“Well,” he said, blowing out a cloud of smoke, “it is really interesting running into you again.”

Texas grinned at him. “Isn’t it? Almost like it was fated. I was really disappointed I didn’t get to take you home that night.”

“Yeah?” Oliver asked with a wink. He stopped, Gabe flashing behind his eyelids as he blinked, but he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Harmless flirting, really. There was nothing wrong with escaping Gabe’s constant hovering and implications that he was fucked up. He wasn’t fucked up, he was upset. “I think we would have had a good time, don’t you?”

“Mm, I like to think I’m pretty good.” Texas winked and took a step closer. “Here’s to second chances?”

Oliver leaned over, then glanced to the side and saw Gabe’s image in the window. He blinked, then pulled back.What the fuck am I doing, he thought, shaking his head. Was he seriously thinking about cheating on Gabe? With some random dude from a bar?

This was not him. He loved Gabe, and Gabe was only concerned about him. Rightfully so, it seemed, because Oliver was rock hard in his jeans, and in spite of all the love he felt for Gabriel, he still wanted to grab Texas by the collar and fuck him stupid behind the gazebo.

Texas was leaning in though, and grabbing him by the shirt. Just before their lips met, Oliver put his hands up and stopped him. “Look I…I really shouldn’t. I have a boyfriend.”

Texas’s eyes went wide. “What?”

“Yeah. One I love quite a bit, and he’s here. I…it’s been a rough couple of months. I shouldn’t have even come out here with you. Fuck, mate, I don’t even remember your name.”

“Ah.” Texas rubbed his face. “But you want me, right?”

Oliver nodded. “Yeah, I really fucking want you. Like, one more drink and I’m pretty sure all my morals would be right out the shitting window. So, I…I’m gonna go. I’m sorry.”

Texas let out a sigh, but he nodded. “Yeah, alright. Lucky guy, though. The one who captured your heart.”

Oliver swallowed because he was pretty damn sure Gabe wasn’t the lucky one. He was the poor bastard who had happened upon someone completely broken. Someone who should have loved Gabe as much as he deserved, but he couldn’t bring himself to be that man. No matter how much he wanted to. No matter how hard he tried, or how often he promised.

Feeling close to heaving up all the liquor he’d imbibed, Oliver threw his smoke into the bushes, and stepped back in the house. He moved through the rooms, finally locating Gabe in the living room, sat in an armchair with a beer in his hands. He gave Oliver a glance, but his expression was unreadable.

Guilt hit him like a physical blow, and the sudden realization of what he needed to do nearly brought him to his knees. He couldn’t keep putting Gabe through this. He couldn’t keep setting him up, only to destroy every vow he ever made.

He was ruined. Or at the very least, he wasn’t well enough to be with someone who deserved better. Everything he was, wasn’t fair to this gorgeous man, and he knew he had to do it. End it. Pull it off like a stubborn bandage, and just…go.

He licked his lips and held his hand out. “You wanna get out of here? I don’t think this was such a good idea.”

Gabe opened his mouth to reply as he grabbed Oliver’s hand, but before he could get a word out, someone rushed into the room. Oliver didn’t recognize him, but Gabe seemed to, and his face went dark. “Hey Troy, what’s up?”

Troy. Tall, dark haired, and looking incredibly concerned as he rubbed the back of his head. “Man, I think Leo really fucked up this time.”

Oliver felt cold fear wash over him. “What?”

“He’s…fuck man, I think he OD’d. Mikey gave him some shit and he went upstairs, and I can’t get him to wake up.”

All thoughts of relationships and love, even Gabe, were gone as he grabbed Troy by the sleeve. “Show me where he is right now.”