Page 77 of Exposed

“Yeah, do you know him?” Daphne asked.

I nodded. Yeah I knew Justin. He’d practically been my fairy godmother back in high school. And now he was a wedding planner? That was his dream. I couldn’t believe he’d done it. “I’m so glad he followed his dreams. I knew him back in high school when he was working for Odegaard. Did he plan both of your weddings?”

Penny nodded. “And he’s amazing. He planned Daphne’s shotgun wedding in record time.”

Daphne laughed. “Let’s have some wine and you can rapid fire questions at us. Penny and I haven’t had a drink in a million years. I figure now is as good of a time as ever to pump and dump.”

That sounded like a good idea. I had so much more I needed to know.


Okay, I officially loved these girls. I’d never really been able to see why James was with Rachel. And I definitely couldn’t see him with Isabella. But Penny and him made total sense. I bet she made him smile every day. And that’s exactly what he needed. I remembered his silly proposal back in high school. Where he said we could be miserable together. Why be miserable when you could be so blissfully happy?

And Daphne was the complete opposite of Rob. I loved Rob, but I felt like this was a good thing. No one needed two Robs in a room. And I bet Daphne balanced him out. She was always quick to laugh at a joke too. She was a perfect match for him.

“Isabella left you naked in the warehouse district?” Penny asked.

I nodded. “I had to make my way all the way back to the hotel in just my underwear and a map wrapped around myself.”

Penny cringed. “And then what happened?”

I went to your husband. I walked in on him with his cock shoved down Rachel’s throat. He helped me when no one else would.I remembered him holding me in the shower as I cried. “James helped me.” That seemed like the best way to put the events of that night. “But God, I messed everything up so bad back then. The Caldwells were fighting with the Hunters. And even though it was Isabella’s fault…I put some of that blame on myself. I’m just so happy they’re all friends again.”

“They had another falling out after college,” Penny said. “Not anything like what you described in high school. It was more that they drifted apart. I asked James about it the other night. And I think they were all just so broken from what happened. It was hard for them to see each other. It was hard not to talk about it because Matt didn’t want to. It was all such a mess. You left such a hole in all their hearts.”

I got that. They’d all left a hole in my heart too. I was only in love with Matt. But I’d loved each of the Untouchables in my own way. “I can’t believe no one calls them the Untouchables anymore.”

“Because they weren’t untouchable,” Daphne said. “They lost you.”

I took another sip of my wine. “Part of the reason why I stayed away was because I thought everyone was better off without me. I thought they were okay. I really did. I never meant to hurt anyone.”

“Time heals all wounds,” Daphne said. “I truly believe that.”

Penny nodded. “Time helped James, Rob, and Mason. And I know it would have eventually healed Matt too, but I’m so glad you showed up when you did. You two are so meant to be.”

Penny was definitely a romantic. And I don’t know if it was the wine, or the fact that I couldn’t get Matt out of my head all night, but I believed what she said. That maybe Matt and I were meant to benow. It was our time to be happy together.

Penny’s phone buzzed. She downed her glass. “It’s showtime,” she said.

“What?” Daphne asked.

“Wait for it.”

I laughed. “You sound like Rob.”

“This is actually even more epic than something Rob would plan. Come with me. Daphne, will you stay here and watch the kids?”

“Um…sure?” Daphne seemed just as confused as I was.

Penny pulled me out the front door.

Matt was standing there with a boombox on his shoulder, blastingMy Dirty Little Secret. He was in his old football uniform, minus the helmet.

And for just a moment, it felt like we were back in time.

“Brooklyn, I wanted to do this 16 years ago.” He put the boombox down and knelt on the city sidewalk.

Oh my God, what was he doing?