He was holding Jacob. But you could barely tell because Jacob kept ducking under Matt’s arm to hide. “This is Jacob,” he said. “Brooklyn’s son.”
Jacob ducked again.
“Sweet boy, these are Matt’s parents. And you’re going to love them. Just like I do.”
He stopped squirming and looked up at me. “Can I play in the leaves now? And have hot chocolate?”
“Absolutely.” I booped him on his nose and he smiled.
“I want down, Coach,” he said.
Matt put him down on the ground.
I was about to tell Jacob to say hi to Matt’s parents, but he’d already sprinted off. I smiled as he jumped into the biggest pile of leaves.
“I can’t believe you’re alive.” Mrs. Caldwell pulled me back into her arms. “And you have a son? Are you married?”
“She will be soon,” Matt said.
I gave him a sideways glance.
He smiled at me. He knew he was right. I’d say yes soon.
Chapter 21
Brooklyn blew on the steam wafting up from her mug. “What are you thinking?” she asked
“That this is everything I’ve ever wanted.” I reached out and pulled a leaf out of her hair.
She laughed and ran her fingers through her hair, even though I’d already gotten the only leaf. “Really, what are you thinking?”
“I’m serious.” I scooted closer to her on the front steps, until my thigh brushed against hers. I stared out at where my parents and Jacob were still jumping in leaves. Or…just Jacob really. My dad kept raking them up. And my mom was tossing Jacob into the piles.
“I thought I might be bitter,” I said. “But I don’t feel that way at all. Or maybe I’m just able to let that all go because I’m so damn happy right now.”
She smiled up at me.
I wanted her to let go of everything too. I set my mug down and stood up. “Come with me.” I put my hand out for her.
She slid her hand into mine. “I should tell you…I’m kind of bad at surprises. I get a little panicky. Not knowing what’s about to happen reminds me of how my dad used me.”
That killed me. I wanted to take away her pain. And I would. One day, she’d look at me and she’d forget how much her father hurt her. She wouldn’t think about him at all. But first I needed to make sure I never hurt her again.
I pulled her around the side of the house and into the backyard. We stayed close to the wall and stared at the covered pool. “I’m sorry that you saw what you saw 15 years ago. I need you to know…I would have traded anything for it to be you in that pool with me instead. I was drowning that summer. I’ve been drowning for 16 years. And I finally feel alive again.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you. I’m sorry I ran away.”
I shook my head. “I just want to bury the past. I just want to move forward. Replace this memory with a new one.” I leaned down and kissed her.
She stood on her tiptoes, deepening the kiss.
I pushed my varsity jacket off her shoulders.
She laughed and caught it before it could fall. “Your parents and Jacob are right out front.”