“You owe me 16 years of orgasms, baby.”
She laughed, tightening around my cock.
“Fuck.” I dropped my mouth to her neck again, sucking on her skin as I lost control. Shot after shot of cum exploded right into her sweet pussy. Where it belonged.
Her moan sounded strangled as she dug her fingertips into my shoulders. She shook in my arms as she came again.
I placed a soft kiss against the bruise that was already forming on her neck.
She pulled me tighter. Our chests rose and fell together as I held her in my arms. Being with her felt like being home. But it was also like we were strangers. It didn’t have to be that way though. She’d loved me once. She could love me again. I just needed to let her in.
“I missed you so much,” I said.
“I missed you too.”
I didn’t put her down. I stayed buried inside of her as I kissed her again. Slower this time. Like how we used to kiss. Like we had all the time in the world. Like we were 16 again and had our whole lives left.
Chapter 18
My heart was broken. But like always, I felt a lot less broken in Matt’s arms. I’d felt this way yesterday too, when he’d followed me into the auditorium. But I also remembered what happened afterward. All we seemed capable of was fighting.
Matt was still buried deep inside of me.
And I didn’t want to move. I just wanted to stay like this forever. But I felt like any second now, he’d tell me to go to hell. And I’d yell something worse. He knew I loved Miller. I didn’t need to say it anymore. He needed to hear something entirely different. “I love you, Matt. Even when you’re covered in dirt.” I reached out to wipe off his face, but my hands were still dirty.
He smiled. “I love getting dirty with you too. Speaking of which…now I’m going to take you upstairs and we’re going to do that all over again.”
“I want that. I do, but…how are we supposed to move forward?” I touched his cheek and smiled at the dirt I’d gotten all over him. “I don’t know if I can let go of that feeling that you forgot me. That you grieved so differently than me. And I don’t know if you can let go of the fact that I disappeared and had a life without you. I think a piece of you will always hate me, Matt.”
“I need to show you something,” he said. He slowly pulled out of me.
Some of his cum dripped down my thigh. I pressed my lips together, not wanting to ask the question that was racing through my mind. But I did need to. “Do I need to be worried about this?” I grabbed my ruined leggings and wiped off my thigh. “We haven’t used a condom twice.”
“I always use a condom,” Matt said.
I just stared at him. He literally did not. My leggings were evidence of that.
He cleared his throat. “That was…those were the only two times I haven’t.”
He’d slept with a lot of women. I knew that. “Why didn’t you use one with me then?”
“Because…it’s you, Brooklyn.” He pushed his hair off his forehead. “I’m sorry, I should have asked you. I kind of lose my head around you.”
“Me too.”
He smiled down at me. “But you have nothing to worry about. Unless you’re worried about the other thing. I don’t know if you’re on the pill or…” his voice trailed off. “But I’m not worried about that. Not even a little.” His smile grew.
His words made my chest hurt. “I’m not worried about that either.” Not because of the pill though. But because I was pretty sure it wasn’t possible for me to have more kids. There was a calmness between us right now though. And I didn’t want to make it heavy.
“I also haven’t had sex in weeks,” he said. “If that helps.”
I stared up at him. “Didn’t you and Kennedy…”
“No. It was just like…third base stuff.”