Page 33 of Exposed

Jacob frowned as he looked down at his stick.

“It’s okay.” I lightly tapped the bottom of his chin so he’d look up at me. “Don’t worry about it. We’re both fine. Right, Tanner?”

Tanner nodded. “I didn’t feel a thing.”

“See, Mommy!” He pointed to Tanner. “He didn’t feel it. I told you so.” He stabbed Tanner’s leg with the stick and Tanner didn’t even flinch.

“Ow?” Tanner said slowly. “That felt exactly like how a stick would feel on a leg. Like scissors on paper.” But he was smiling.

Jacob laughed.

“Jacob, how about you clean up your toys while I talk to Tanner?”

He nodded and started gathering his sticks. There were so many. Were they planning a huge battle or something? I turned to Tanner. “Are you okay?”


“Didn’t that hurt?”

“Nah. Tough skin.”


“So how did it go with Matt?” he asked.

“Oh. Um. He didn’t take the news very well.” I watched Jacob pick up his other discarded toys. But he got distracted halfway through and started rolling his little cars across the floor.

Tanner sighed. “Matt yelled, didn’t he? I told him not to do that.”

“And I told you not to interfere.”

Tanner shrugged. “I didn’t tell him anything you told me. I just recommended he hear you out and to take a few deep breaths before he spoke.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “He definitely didn’t do that.” I stood up and wandered into the kitchen. I pulled out the flour, eggs, and butter.

“What are you doing?”

“I feel better when I bake.”

“So it went really poorly then?” Tanner asked.

“He said…we both said some terrible things.”

Tanner looked down at his phone. “Well, I have some time before I have to head out.”

Honestly, I didn’t have anyone else to talk to this about. Back in high school I would have talked to Kennedy. But I hadn’t even spoken to Kennedy since Matt told me they broke up. Matt told me he was a shit friend. But I was pretty sure that title belonged to me.

I stared at Tanner while I stirred the batter way too vigorously. I was pretty sure Tanner had somehow become my best friend over the past week. So I filled him in. And I tried not to cringe when he kept wincing at my exchange with Matt.

“You’re as hot headed as he is,” Tanner said.

I laughed. “I am not.”

“He said some terrible things. But he was just lashing out because of what you said.”

“I called him a man whore. Which is true.”

“I’m not talking about that. Brooklyn.” He grabbed my hand so I’d stop ruining the batter. “I know you’re still in love with Miller.”