There were a few wilted flowers lying in front of the tombstone. Probably from Mrs. Alcaraz. Maybe Kennedy. It didn’t seem significant enough. Maybe because it wasn’t nearly as many flowers as the gravestone beside his. I looked over and frowned. Some of the same flowers were on that grave. Almost like the bouquets had been split.
I walked over and I swear it was like ice went through my veins. I reached out and ran my fingers across my name on the tombstone.This is my grave?
I looked down at the flowers. Roses, chrysanthemums, lilies, daffodils, sunflowers. I’d never actually told Matt my favorite. But he’d brought me flowers of every kind after my uncle had passed away. And I knew these were his doing.
Matt hadn’t forgotten about me. For years I thought he had. I thought he’d moved on. I thought he was happy.
I shook my head as the tears fell. He never forgot.
But he was with Kennedy now. It felt like I had to let him go all over again. I closed my eyes. For a second today, when I was in his arms, I remembered what we used to have. I’d let myself miss what we had. But there was no going back.
I opened my eyes and stared at my name on the grave. Matt had sat here. Mourning me. Missing me. While I was off living my life.
He never forgot me.
And he’d never forgive me.
Chapter 5
“What on earth?” Tanner laughed. “Kidnap a child? That’s ridiculous. No. What an absurd conclusion to jump to. This is Young Jacob of course.”
I wanted to laugh too. But I had no idea who Young Jacob was. And I was pretty sure Tanner had definitely done something illegal. Like drugged this boy and brought him to his house. “Tanner…”
“Jacob has come with me willingly. Haven’t you, little man?” Tanner looked down at the boy and then back up at me. “Jacob nodded consent. You just couldn’t see it because he’s hiding. So we’re all good.”
Nothing about this was all good. I walked around Tanner and crouched down. “Hey,” I said.
The boy pulled on Tanner’s pant leg as he tried to get away from me.
Tanner picked him up. “Matt, stop scaring the child.”
Me?I tried to get on eye level with the boy, but his hat dipped down again. “Hey, Jacob. Do you know this man?”
Did he only speak Spanish? I didn’t know enough Spanish to ask him what I needed to. “How do you know him?”
He didn’t respond.
Maybe I should call Kennedy or Mrs. Alcaraz?“Jacob, do you understand me? Do you know this man?”
“Yessie. Tanner is my abuelo.” He hugged Tanner’s side tighter.
I looked back up at Tanner. Um…what? That wasn’t possible. Tanner was too young to have a grandchild. Maybe a kid this age. But definitely not a grandson this age. “I don’t think that’s right.”
“You heard the boy,” Tanner said. “This is my grandson, Jacob. And Jacob, there’s no reason to be scared of my friend. Remember the game we were just at? He was the coach. You saw him on the field.”
“Of the football team?” Jacob said up to Tanner.
“Yes, the Empire High football team.”
Jacob turned to me and pushed up his hat. “Hiya, Coach.”
I smiled. Well, that was adorable. “It’s nice to meet you, Jacob.”