Page 138 of Grace

I wanted to, too.

“Precisely,” Ashira’s voice remained soft, but determined. “He makes me wanna be down,” Her eyes hit her mother. “with him. He’s that magnetic of a man. It’s also in when hetouchesme.”

I choked, not expecting that. It was what I’d told Ashira I felt about her back in St. Vincent. Now, she was spinning the block on the same sentiment. The song she referred to “When YouTouch Me” also played when we got it in the night I found her little sneaky sexy ass in my bed, using her keys for the first time. I was alerted to it when the alarm sounded and the notification came to my and Juggy’s phones at the same time. Consuela hit me up almost immediately, explaining Ashira had pulled up. I knew from that moment on I was done with rubbers and would go raw dog with her—at least try—that night. My dick was half hard until I got home and showered. Then my shit wouldn’t go down until I was nested inside her, balls deep. Celestine wasn’t expecting Ashira’s explanation either, judging by how wide her eyes shot open.

Sabrina busted out laughing even harder. “Oh, my god, Shi-Shi, I love that one, too!”

“But to be more specific and rated G,” Ashira’s head rounded over her shoulders, stretching while her jaw flexed. “He’s the purest man I’ve ever met. He’s honest, and not in a way like I know everything about him, but in the way of understanding his shortcomings and working hard every day to overcome them. I aspire to that. I want to be that person. And he pursues all things pure and…holy.” She shrugged. “And I’m his lucky pursuit.”

“You’relucky?” shot from Celestine’s gut.

Ashira nodded calmly, attention back down to her plate. “He’s seen a bit of my ugly—”

“What’s that?” rushed from Paulette, Celestine’s first cousin.

“My pretentiousness, judgmentalism, pompous display of my ego by way of ‘helping’ someone ‘less fortunate,’” Her gaze returned to her mother, “and my insecurities.”

“But you’ve known each other...” Celestine scoffed. “for no time at all.” She asked me, “Am I correct?” And I knew what time it was.

“You’re correct,” Ashira’s voice projected over the silent message I felt Celestine sent to me. “It’s only been a few months and already, he’s been able to have that effect on me. But let’s move on. I, in no way, want Jas feeling uncomfortable while with my family. I’ll reserve that coveted distress for me alone.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, Shi-Shi.” Celestine held her wine glass in the air. “You’re not in touch with your family day to day. You brought a man to our family’s estate, and mere months after breaking up with your Hollywood boyfriend. Certainly, you’d know we’d have questions.”

“About what?” Ashira asked directly.

“About your mental and emotional process. I’ve never understood how you made decisions,” Celestine answered. When Ashira shook her head, her mother continued. “I mean, think about it: look how easily accepting you were to the woman your father was unfaithful to me with—again. Look at how you allowed her to waltz into the life I spent year by year building without batting aneye—”

“That’s not true and you know it,” Ashira answered with gritted teeth.

My lady was heated.

“Celestine,” Paulette cried. “Not this again.”

“Is it not?” Celestine wasn’t backing down. “You’ve accepted their love child seamlessly, have you not? You spend copious amounts of time with her as well.”

“She’s my sister. My blood sister.” Ashira’s voice was shaky as she looked at her moms. “Biological.”

“Yes, dear.” Celestine’s forehead was high. “The spawn whobiologicallyended my family.”

Oh, shit…

“Ashira’s chin lifted as she swallowed hard. “No, Mommy,” I could hardly hear. “You did the leaving all by yourself.”

“I left and you stayed, taking in everyone who’d hurt me. You were totally adverse to every strain of DNA I put into you.” When Celestine fixed her gaze onto me again, my heart dropped.No… “I’m sure you’re familiar with my only child’s roommate, Mr. Sinclair.”

Oh, wait.


Ashira shot back, “She’s notmy—”

“Then how else do you explain having a woman who is middle-aged and homeless, popping up out of thin air living with you?”

“Celestine,” Paulette tried again.

The aunt at the table, Rose, sat and ate quietly as though in the room alone.

“She’s your sister! Biological sister!” Ashira finally spoke from her gut. “Blood, which means she’s mine, too.”