Page 134 of Grace

That news sheared my heart.

“Good. Now, I can gain control over my diaphragm.”

“That ain’t the only thing you want.”

Sneeze. “What?” I blew my nose with a facial tissue from my vanity.

“I said that ain’t what you want. Y’all leaving forDellain a few hours.”

“And?” I’d go alone.

“And you know why you asked him to go. You been on edge all evening and you know why. That young man walked into the middle of a firing squad that’s supposed to start tomorrow. He ain’t supposed to be the target either.”

Catching another sneeze in the tissue this time, I grew even angrier.

Oh, so I’m here sneezing my guts out, but Jas is the victim!

He brought the second-hand queen to my home. I didn’t go after her!

When Ines took off, shaking her head, my anger increased two-fold. I went for my cell on the vanity.

The phone rang a few times before she picked up. “What is it now, Ms. Witherspoon?”

“That sympathy arrangement. Cancel it.”

“Wu—what?” There were some swishing sounds on Marge-Jean’s end. “Ms. Witherspoon, it’s after nine at night. Surely, the florist is closed.”

“Call and leave a message. Follow up with an email.”


“Cancel that fucking bouquet, Marge-Jean! Now!” I screamed into the phone, body trembling with rage, then effectively ended the call.

One heavy knee hit her mattress and she stirred with a gasp. “Jas!”

Ashira rolled over, standing on an elbow at first. “Mmmhmm,” I hummed, tired as hell.

It was way past my bedtime.

“Oh,my—you’re here. I didn’t…”

When I brought my other knee onto the bed and crawled for the spot I’d lay down, Ashira rolled underneath me with a reminder of her nimble dancer’s agility. She literally flipped and shuffled in place until we were face to face with her back flat on the mattress. Her hands caressing my face.

Her little hands roved over my chest and arms a few times before she spoke. “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” She sounded stuffy and dry, hoarse.

I didn’t reply, was too tired to. Plus, I wasn’t tripping. Ashira sent a text when I left, apologizing. My response were two words: I’m good. Shortie didn’t like that I was being kind to an old buddy. I could respect that. Cynthia wasn’t an ex-girlfriend of mine. If Ashira didn’t want me interacting with ol’ girl, it was nothing for me to make that happen. It was just that I’d met her pops on a few occasions. He was a solid man of God by all accounts.

“I swear, I didn’t know I had a jealous streak until you. Austin had his pick of the litter with women, access to them, too, but I never concerned myself with the possibilities of him being with anyone becauseI…I don’t know. My words aren’t coming together because of the drowsiness from my meds, but I know what I feel. I’m not the jealous type…until you. And it’s stupid because I don’t think you’d cheat onme—I mean, neither did I with Austin. But the difference with him was I didn’t pre-occupy my thoughts with the possibility. With you, I feel there’s a moral code in here.” Her soft hand gently pushed into my chest. “The urban urbane has a moral code in there I can feel. I just don’t see cheating being your thing. At least not with me.”

“So, you mine?”

“What do you mean?”

“I ‘on’t really know how relationships go. I ain’t got much experience with them. But I do think we should agree on some things to make it official.”

“Okay. Like what?” She reached up and kissed me. Her tongue swirled against mine, thickening me. “Whatever you want me to agree to—outside of being married with swollen feet, nine babies, and a missing tooth—” her voice dipped and hand reached inside my boxers, fully awakening my shit. “—I’m down for.”

Then she reached for the elastic waist of my boxers, pulling them down with her hands then feet. I steeled over her when Ashira wrapped her legs around my ass, lifted, and rubbed the head of my cock against her soft, hot, wet ass folds. She smeared her juices all over me until I was fully wet with her. Then she positioned me at her opening and pulled up until I reached deep inside of her.