Page 120 of Grace

After being out there for a few hours, we headed back to the house and partied on the beach. Ashira tried uselessly to get me to take a shot. In all honesty, if it were just the two of us, I’d do it for her. But my cousins were present and loose. They’d drank themselves merry, including their other illicit add-ons. I wasn’t mad. They didn’t experience this every day, and St. Vincent was paradise. I just couldn’t let go of my role as their protector. Between them wildin’ out and Ashira and her girls being their normal carefree intoxicated selves, someone had to be levelheaded.

At one point, I found myself on the front porch, waiting on Ashira. I’d walked her to the house for the hundredth time for her to pee. She was tipsy as hell, and I understood it came with the territory. While waiting, I was tempted to snack on the buffet of finger foods piled on the table. I nibbled on cheese, crackers, chicken wings, and even topped it off with a couple pieces of brownies. I’d just downed the second one when Ashira had come out of the house, pulling me by the waist of my trunks. She was ready to return to the beach.

About an hour later, the crew was still lit, dancing, eating, drinking, and some even flirting. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Corinne throwing her ass into Jug’s crotch. His arms were stretched wide, one hand holding a bottle ofMauve. Her moves were sensual and agile for her voluptuous size. She’d earned my respect. Man was damn near tonguing Shizu—I’d finally gotten it after hearing it all day—down in the water.

“You are really cracking up,” Ashira observed out loud, but with a twinge of concern in her voice. She pulled from her cigar again, blowing the smoke away from us.

I couldn’t help it. It was funny to me how these two were hooking up randomly. It was like old times before I got knocked. I’d been the least into romance out of the three of us. I didn’t go for the chicks who liked the chase. Instead, I kept a few on rotation who didn’t make me work hard for a nut. But these two niggas made an art of getting pussy. It was all they wanted. And in that moment, the revelation seemed funny to me.

“Yo!” Myron called out. “Shi-Shi, tag me in that pic of all of us on the boat.

“I have a couple,” Ashira returned while wrapped under my arm. “DM me your handle.”

“Me, too, Shi-Shi,” Chrissy requested. “Did you see I tagged you in the one with us and Chelsea?”

“Yeah.” Ashira giggled. “That one was cute!”

“I thought this was a no IG party.” I nipped at Ashira’s ear, earning another giggle from her.

“Yeah.” She stayed at her phone. “That’s the point. It’s a joke. We’ve been posting all day. We know how lowkey you are. I thought it’d be cool to put you on blast a little.” Then she twisted her neck to look up at me. “I especially think it’s a good idea now that I know the whole world knows your reputation.” She rolled her eyes. Ashira was still tripping about the Young Lord song.

I pulled her face back up by rotating her forehead. “Don’t do that, Shi-Shi.” I kissed her lips.

She let me, closing her eyes and puckering her lips. “Don’t try to soften me up by using a reference other than Witherspoon.”

“I’m not. You don’t like it when I call you that, though.”

“I don’t. At least I know, an old dog can be taught new tricks. Now, I have hope for our future.” She finessed me by pushing from her toes to kiss me before I could ask what that meant. “Go, Rinny Rin!” Ashira cheered on her girl.

When I looked their way again, Jug had lifted one leg and air thrusted her. Laughing at them, I’d begun feeling a little woozy. A few more minutes passed and I realized my head felt a little loopy. My movements felt slower than my brain’s perception. Like when I saw Jonathan walking the beach as the sun was setting, wearing a white chef’s jacket and holding a tray of food, my brain registered him being up to no good. But instead of reacting to that, I laughed. When he noticed my humor, Jonathan approached Ashira and me.

“Yo, Shi, you good? I got some goodies the big homie ‘on’t want.” He winked and I knew what he’d meant.

But instead of addressing it, I only looked on the tray.

Myron ran up on us, wanting to catch Jonathan. “I was waiting on these. Sheema had the cookies and said they was good.”

“I ain’t got no more. This all that’s left. I’m limited out here, my nigga.”

Myron asked. “What you got then?”

“Nigga, what you think?” Jonathan snapped, for some reason being evasive.

Ashira laughed.

“They the brownies right?”

“The fuck you think?” Jonathan got even louder.

That’s when it clicked. “Yo, I had brownies up on the porch…” I couldn’t even finish my thought, my brain whirred and I couldn’t speak the unbelievable.

Jonathan’s face opened wide. “Yo, you mean that plate.” His eyes pointed to his tray. “The one I left out there when I had to take a leak? Shit, O.G., Iain’t—”

In less than two seconds, I’d released Ashira. “I’mma fuck you up, yo!” I lunged for him, hearing the screams from the ladies and barks from the guys.


“Sin, yo!”