Page 100 of Grace

And Man kept pushing. “Nah, my nigga. I ‘on’t know.”

“On god, you know, my nigga. You know.”

“Say it.”

“Man, you know when Sin got sent up how that shit fucked with me. I know it fucked with you, too, but that shit sent me so low, man. For a while, you know a nigga couldn’t even fuckin’ breathe some days with being in pain. Yeah, I was drinkin’, smokin’ more, and poppin’ them shits to help get through the day. But instead of supportin’ me, she did her.”

“Ah, man!” Man mumbled, turning his head, dismissing the point. “Can’t count them years. I don’t. The sun ain’t shine for like eleven years…far as I’m concerned. The general went up for a stretch, none of us was good. Don’t hold that shit against her, my nigga.”

“I ain’t. She got two houses…on me! Jos been riding pretty on shit less than two years old err year…on me. She play her cards right,” He nodded. “she straight for life.”

“Yeah, but she got her degrees and shit, too. She make her own money,” Man correctly argued and I nodded in agreement. “She live in the houseshebought.”

“Yeah, but the other two I bought her is what lace her pockets. Them shits let her go down to Atlantic City and to The Bahamas with her girls. Fuck you mean? She clock in and out of a nine to five, but when her coworkers walking to they Kias, Jos’ ass struttin’ to a fuckin’Audi A7…on me! She eat good, living good ‘causeIprovide the cushion her fuckin’ degrees can’t. And I do it in spite of her bullshit back then. So, don’t compare my shit with yours and La-Kim. That chick been ten toes down with you. Y’all ain’t got the baggage we do. Y’all fresh and new. Believe that.”

“Yeah.” When Man licked his lips, I knew right away women were around. “I’m ‘bout that fresh and new. Ya heard?” He tossed his chin and I followed his vision to Witherspoon’s friends who’d just walked up on us.

“Y’all see Shi-Shi?” Witherspoon’s Chinese girl asked.

That question alarmed the hell out of me. Where the hell was Witherspoon?

“Nah. But thanks for pullin’ up.” Man smiled. “I wanted to see you. Maybe you could teach me a new language.” He tossed his chin to her. “Konnichiwa and all that shit.”

I tried hard not to laugh.

“Ahhh!” She waggled her index finger in the air.

“Ahhh!” Man mimicked then jumped from the wall to approach her. “I’m ‘bout to be real conversant with the Japanese culture in a minute.”

“Trust me,” She winked. “it does a body real good.”

She’s Japanese, not Chinese. Got it…

“And what about ya body?” Jug tossed his chin toward Witherspoon’s thick friend.

“Mine?” she placed her hand on her chest. “It can’t be handled by beta men. That’s for sure. Inquire wisely, sugar.”

Jug jumped down next. He had a thing for plus-size women. Honestly, Juggy didn’t discriminate.

“Oh, there you are,” the white friend exhaled. “We saw he was out here while you were in there, girl!”

I craned my neck and peeped Witherspoon trekking down the lawn toward us. She rocked a black bikini top and white cheerleader skirt landing at the top of her thighs. The sight of her made my heart pound and stomach do fucking flips. It didn’t matter that she didn’t look my way in her approach. I was fucking happy to see her. It clicked in that moment that Witherspoon represented some form of kinship for me. When seeing her out and around people like this, I felt a liaison I didn’t want shared with anyone else.

“I told Jonathan to bring down more shots so I can show out on this private Vincentian beach Shi-Shi style!” She pranced past us, crossing over to the beach, strutting in all her sassiness.

When she yanked at her skirt, pulling it clean off, I blinked hard. Her full ass was exposed, swallowing up a black strip between her cheeks. Witherspoon turned around, braids whipping in the air, and stretched the tip of her tongue toward her chin as her friends laughed on. She waggled her body seductively and if I wasn’t so wiled by it, I would’ve found humor in her actions, too. Before I knew it, I found myself jumping from the wall finally, headed toward the beach.

“Damn!” one of the girls shouted, but I didn’t care to know who.

“Ooooh, Shi-Shi! Sin ‘bout to beat that ass!” Jug shouted.

Nah. I was more or less prepared to bite it. When I arrived to Witherspoon, I pulled her little body into me. She stiffened right away.

“Let it go,” I demanded calmly.


“Let it go, Ashira.”