Page 158 of Grace

“I’m glad I didn’t. I love you, Ashira. I do so much it hurts because it always seems to be something between us.”

“They’re called your lies.”

I left. I left him in his office and took off for his bedroom. After making sure I packed up everything, including the contents of the drawers I found myself occupying in his bathroom, bedroom, and closet, I left Jas’ home and, perceptively, his life for good. This time, I had no tears from shock or betrayal.

Fool me twice…

Juggy cutting the engine had me mindlessly turning back toward theG-Wagonas I stood in the piazza. That’s when the door opened and a small, smiling lady wearing scrubs gave me a neck bow.

“Mr. Jas?”


“Come in.” She backed away, making room for me. “Shi-Shi’s waiting for you.” I stepped inside the gigantic, elegant foyer and subconsciously decided here was where my funambulism would begin. The Witherspoon estate was vast and intimidating, almost as much as Double E Bag’s. From the time I entered the security gate, the same impression of otherworldly wealth I felt but couldn’t articulate as a kid was still very much present. “Can I offer you anything? Perhaps an eveningcap—”

“Jas doesn’t drink, Marabella.” Ashira appeared out of nowhere, copper skin glowing in neon pink pleated shorts exposing her toned thighs and a matching tank.

Of course, she rocked it with heels: gold strappy sandals bringing my attention to her white manicured toes. My baby looked good. Three thin gold necklaces increasing in length down her cleavage. The longest being theJuste un Cloupiece I’d gifted her on my birthday. Her stance was one of a model’s: one leg kicked out further to the side, showing off her powerful thighs and posture embellished by the high heels. Her belly was flat, still giving no signs of a baby cooking in there, but her tits told it all. They were swollen and tempting. I found myself pinching my lip, struggling for control.

I hadn’t seen her in two weeks since her first obstetrician appointment. She invited me via a text written in a manner that told me she thought I’d decline. Ashira had no clue that I’d turn heaven and hell upside down to accommodate her in any way in this process. She didn’t talk to me much during the appointment, but thanks to technology, I saw the formation of the baby and heard its heartbeat. That was one of the scariest and sobering experiences of my life. A baby. I’d created a fucking baby.

And with the baddest bitch on the planet…

“Nice that you could make it.” She flipped her straightened hair parted down the middle over her shoulders. But Ashira didn’t smile.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the new episodes of “Taking Tips with Tynisha.’”

That’s when her gorgeous face cracked into a grin. Her eyes rolled to the wall, hating to share an ounce of joy with me. “So, you’re not caught up?”

I shook my head, finding myself glancing down to my sneakers. “Work’s being killin’ my ass. That and I started a course atRedeeming Soulschurch in Harlem Ezra’s been heading up twice a week.”

She blinked, straightening in stance. “A course?”

I shrugged, not considering it the biggest of deals. “An informal meeting outside of the sanctuary. A seven-week series.”

“On what?”

Was she interested? I’d been so fucking blue without her. I hated not seeing her face every day, hearing and seeing her breathy laughter, experiencing her selective sense of humor, which was mostly goofiness that drove me wild on the low.

“The fruits of the Holy Spirit. Gifts Jesus left behind to help us live on earth while He’s in heaven. Supernatural applications to help us until we meet Him again with the Father.” I shrugged, not feeling inspired at all in the moment.

Her throat dipped when she swallowed. “Oh.” She shifted her arm and open palm behind her. “Well, they’re waiting. Daddy’s impatient and is asking why I will not have a nighttime burn with him.”

I nodded, and when Ashira began into the house, I followed. We turned a few corners with me fortifying myself for the shit show. This wouldn’t be good and I knew it, which was why studying the bounce of her ass was my focal point, but not in a perverted way. It somehow soothed me before the war.

We turned into a great room with two sets of congregating furniture on both sides. A fireplace was centered in a wall with walkout doors to the patio aside it. There were three people sitting on one set of the sofas near the entrance. Two stood right away as we stepped inside.

Noelle spoke first, eyes wide with surprise. “Hey, Jas!”

I knew she’d be here, but didn’t really anticipate her bubbly energy because I’d been more than prepared for the arrogant motherfucker still sitting on the sofa. The light skinned thick woman with mild makeup and short hair was who I didn’t anticipate.

My focus shifted back to Noelle. “How you doin’, No.”

“Cool to see you again!” Then her beam faded. “I hope. Everything okay?” she asked her sister.

“Of course, it is!” Ashira stroked her baby sister’s shoulders before walking deeper into the room inside the sofa maze. “Jas, this is my dad’s sister, Aunt Kimberly.”

Immediately, the woman batted her lashes while aligning one shoulder with her chin and smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Jas?”