Page 147 of Grace

Now, my sister was trying to finesse me for his number.

My eyes closed. “Noelle…”

“I’m fucking with you, sister. I know you’ve been jerking the pole, girl.”

I inhaled. “Excuse me?”

At the same time, Jas’ head whipped my way. One dark, bushy brow hiked. He, too, surprised by her words.

I hadn’t exactly shared my relationship status with anyone. Jas and I had been happening so fast, the union so delicate and, oftentimes, unstable. SinceDella, Jas and I had been struggling to get back on track. I’d hoped this trip toRed’s Island, he seemed to hijack, would do the trick.

“It’s just jokes, sis—well, everything except for the number part. I’m sure he’s available to help me make sense of my father’s hyper-sexual proclivities preference to me. Then again, my Dad prefers anything to me,” her voice still flat.

Hyper-sexual proclivities?Is that what they’re teaching now at Bishop John Yancey Christian Academy?

I shook my head. “I will not be giving you Jas’ number.”


“Because it’s inappropriate, Noelle. He’s an adult, you’re a child.”

“He knows that. He’s no perve, I’m sure, Shi-Shi.”He’s my perv. Trust me. “I think you’re being extra.”

“That’s fine. I’ll be that for you. Besides, Jas has his own life. I’m sure he’s out living it now.”

“Like what? On a date?”

Jas’ neck careened to face me again. “Yeah. Possibly. He has his health and freedom.” My eyes on him. “I’m sure he’s making the most of it.” With a faint smirk, Jas returned his attention to his own mirror, continuing to brush his teeth. “Anyway, Noelle. I’ve really got to go. Don’t forget to let me know if you’re going to stay over tomorrow.”

“Alright,” she sighed. “You’re no bad fun, which is good fun, making you a horrible big sister.”

“Luh you, though.”


I may have successfully gotten Noelle off the phone, but my heart was still heavy for her. Leaving the bench of the vanity, I toed over to the double sink and hopped up on the counter.

After rinsing his mouth, Jas wiped his face with a hand towel and asked, “Everything good?”

It was Father’s Day and we’d arrived inRed’s Islandtwo days ago. Before leaving, I laid out specific instructions on how my father and Noelle would spend the day in my absence. He said he was open to spending time with her, so I figured if I arranged for her transportation and purchased her gifts for him in advance, the two would be fine. Not true. My father had obviously forgotten about the girl coming by. So when Noelle searched the house for him, she found him in the pool house with two young women, all naked and engaged in acts Noelle had only heard about in the locker room. She called me crying, interrupting my blowjob number on Jas a few hours ago. I calmed her down enough to get her off the phone. The call I’d just hung up from was me circling back, checking in on her.

My shoulders dropped, exhaling deeply. “I don’t know. I could choke the man. Literally. She’s been through so much, trying to be seen by him.” I shook my head, a chill running up my spine.

“You called him, too?”

“No. I have nothing to say to him.”

He straightened. “You wanna go home.”

I balked at that statement. “We’re about to head out and hit the streets. Our friends are downstairs waiting on us…so is your unnecessary security.” I paused for his reaction.

It had been a point of contention the entire trip. A week after Jas humiliated me in front of Sergio, he met me atBrown Baristain between our therapy sessions and laid out the plans for my friends and me traveling here toRed’s Island. Not only did he rent out a four thousand square foot estate for us to stay in and provide a private flight on theEllis Bombardier, but he hired local security to patrol the majestic grounds and shadow us when we went into town to eat and shop.

It was extreme and completely unnecessary. Jas had even asked several times since we arrived if we wanted to skip the clubbing experience here. It was annoying. Of course, we didn’t. We thought we’d hit one every night, but Sinclair killed those plans, saying just one night of partying with the locals.

I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him between my thighs. “Why do you hateRed’s Island?”

“I don’t.” He peered at himself in the mirror, over my head, brushing down his sharply groomed goatee. “It’s actually gorgeous out here. Good food, pleasant people.”