Page 144 of Grace

I blinked hard, not knowing what to say, but feeling impossibly guilty at the same time. Did I do something wrong? I didn’t even know Jas was here tonight.

Sergio turned to look at me in my periphery but, I couldn’t take my eyes off of a seething Jas. “Hang on. What’s going onhere—”

“Shut the fuck up.” Jas widened his stance, voice so low and calm it made my stomach do flips. I hardly recognized him, his aura so powerful, so…menacing.

Sergio, still as stuck as I was, turned to me again, possibly looking for answers. I had none. I was slightly fearful and wholly shocked. “What the fuck isgoin—”

“I said shut the fuck up,” Jas’ volume slightly higher, yet smoothly frightening.

“Yo, walk,” Man ordered Sergio.

Sergio’s head kept swinging back and forth. The pulse in his neck visibly beating fast and an involuntary swallow cracked his voice. “I’m justsayin—”

“Serge, man. I may be polite, but I ain’t patient,” Jas warned him.

“Man, get the fuck outta here.” Juggy began toward Sergio until Jas put his arm out, signaling patience.

“Fucking walk!” Man barked.

Sergio’s hands went into the air defenselessly and he pivoted to amble in the opposite direction.

“Yo,” Jas barked at him. When Sergio turned around, a shadow of fear and defeat colored his face. “Don’t you ever in ya fuckin’ life serve her a drink or food. Do we understand each other, chico?”

Demeaning. Jas’ tone and actions embarrassed me into silence. I felt the immense helpless humiliation I hadn’t since a kid when my father picked me up from Jeremiah Scott’s house party when his parents were out of the country on business. My father was the only parent storming the party that night. I didn’t speak to him for a week. I didn’t care that I’d snuck out, humiliation was never the solution.

When Sergio, wordlessly, turned and continued down the hallway, Jas directed his commands my way. “Let’s go.”

That’s when I gained my wits. “Go where?”

“Out of here. Your show was superb as usual, mission complete, the night is over.”

I loved this man. The man before me who I didn’t recognize. Clearly, I loved him because instead of refusing his control, I swallowed unexpectedly and chirped, “I don’t have my things.”

Shi-Shi sniffled again in the backseat and I ain’t know if she was crying or fucking stuffy. Sin ain’t mutter a damn word since we left Harlem.

Now, we pulled up to the crib and I put theG-Wagonin park. I waited. Sin left the backseat first. I watched him from the rearview mirror, cross over the back and go to Shi-Shi’s side. When he opened the door and held his hand out for her, she bawled her lips.

“Juggy, take me back to get my car.”


“Your car is on its way, Ashira,” Sin reminded her.

I ain’t know how she forgot. He told her that when she handed over the keys to Man before we peeled off from the club.

“Then I’ll wait here until it arrives.”

Sin ain’t say shit at first, just took a deep breath. “I’d rather you not.”

I’d rather you not.


This relationship shit had Sin weak as fuck. I mean, I was happy for him, but ain’t want him walking through the bullshit at the same time. When he came home on his Jesus shit, it wasn’t for me, but I always respected Sin’s moves, so I rolled with it. When he said no more illegal hustling, that was some shit I couldn’t even visualize, but the nigga made it happen, and now I had a couple ofMs spread acrossa fewbank accounts. My family been eating good, good.

But when he started to fuck with Shi-Shi, I knew it wasn’t what the nigga needed. Not only was his mind and background too much for a straight chick like her, but Shi-Shi being a quality broad would make Sin come out of the comfort zone he had always been in with chicks: he wasn’t moved by them. When we was kids, the nigga got ass when he needed it, but Sin was never for the girlfriend game. He ain’t flirt with chicks like that, ain’t never promise them a little change or drop a few to stroke his own ego. He left that to Man and me.

Shi-Shi was a high maintenance chick. One that had her own chips and spent them shits luxuriously, too. She tricked on herself. Sin would have to give a damn to reach her level of tricking. And the thing about giving a damn for Sin was he was fucking pussy-whipped.Beyond!Shi-Shi had the nigga open. What was even crazier was he had her ass going, too. But chemistry could be dangerous. Chemistry could get niggas killed. And if these two ain’t see this shit for what it was, Sin would jeopardize the entire empire he built.