Page 143 of Grace

Iwas breathless with unrelentingly adrenaline pumping throughout my entire body. It was one of my most favorite mental and physical highs. Slapping palms with my troupe after killing a self-built choreography atClub Sin, I felt an extraordinary high. The shouts and pats on the back from people I’d been seeing here over the years was the best dopamine. It made all the hours and blisters from practice over the past eleven days since returning fromDellaworth it. This night was what I’d made my focus outside of transitioning my role at work, having major upgrades done to my new club, and therapy.

I lived to dance. Out of breath and misted from exertion, I returned the daps and love given as my team dispersed, leaving the center floor.

Sergio appeared with a drink in his hands. “A refreshing limoncello for the most beautiful hoofer in town,” he tried speaking over the music, his curly hair parted perfectly down the middle as he performed a bow.

My brows raised, challenging that mild compliment. “Only in town? Weren’t you just in Miami?”

“Let’s get you cooled off.” Taking me at the shoulder, he led me to the side of the main room toward an emergency door. “You’re the finest woman I’ve ever met, Shi-Shi. I haven’t seen dancers outside of Harlem.” He led me into a hallway, the heavy door closing behind us silenced off the energy from the club so completely, I thought my ears needed popping. He handed me the drink. “Remember, this is the first club I arranged for this type of performance, keeping an open mind. Your beauty and elegance are what opened me to the possibility and it’s paid off. I broadened the weekday flare to this club. Too bad the imbeciles funding this place can’t acknowledge that.”

I smiled, though that mention dampened my mood, dissipating my high. My gaze fell to the cool glass in my hand. “You know…I closed on my club.”

“Excuse me.” Sergio’s face contorted. “What club?”

I laughed nervously, never having found the announcement easy to make. I’d been slowly telling the people closest to me. While Sergio didn’t exactly make the cut for said group, the subject matter did allow him a temporary pass. This guy, though handsome in a fashion model type of way, wasn’t exactly my type. The silky curly hair and smooth pecan skin would make for gorgeous Black babies, but he’d been no different from Jas, now that Jas was a thing to me.

Sergio had no past. As much as we talked over the years, especially since breaking up with Austin when Sergio had been vying hard at my personal time and calling more frequently, I didn’t know anything about him. Our commonality was being two good-looking people sharing an affinity for night clubs. That was it.


“Where? When?” the urgency in his tone was cute.

“In Montclair. I bought the place outright.”

He gasped. “Dear, god, you’re bold, woman! You didn’t rent it first?”

“Nah.” Smiling, I shook my head, eyeing the drink blindly. “What would have been the thrill in that. Right? I figured, I’ve been dreaming of it for so long and recently prayed it into manifestation. Why stop for fear now?” Then I shrugged. “I figured, if for some wild reason, it fails, I can dump a few dollars into it, put it on the market for more than I paid, then turn a profit. Maybe then rent it out to someone like you with a proven successful vision.” I shrugged with my lips. “Not much different than flipping houses.”

Stunned, Sergio was speechless at first, all wide eyes and parted lips. “I—man!” He exhaled, finger-combing his thick, dark curls. “Are you sure nothing serious is going on between you and the Sin guy?”


I wasn’t expecting that twist in conversation.

I placed the flat of my foot against the wall behind me and reclined. “Why do you ask that?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like I want to be in the know of the play and the players.” Then he chuckled lowly. “You know I’ve been wanting you for years now, Shi-Shi, and I’ve been respectful.”


“And after I saw those pictures onInstagramof you and him…and them for his birthday.”

Sergio’s mention of that trip reminded me of the purpose behind the theme of Jas’ birthday party. That was the reason: to let the world know he was connected to me and I was to him.

But that was before…

I smiled generously. “Sergio, I don’t believe in answering to my personal life until I’m moved to. I think if you have something to say, you should lead with that instead.” I tapped the side of his arm with my fist to soften the blow.

“Fair enough.” He wiped down his face, pivoting while nodding. “Fair enough. You’re going to need a manager. You know that. Right? There’s no way you’re going to come out of construction and dance, and successfully run your first night club without experienced help. I would loveto—”

A blast from the door being pushed open and the music blasting in from the club startled the both of us. It literally had me leaping from my feet, dropping the glass. Broken shards bounced against the concrete floors.

Jas entered first. His eyes dark, shoulders broad as he whipped his neck, appearing to loosen tension. His fingers flexed, splaying wide then curling into fists. Juggy was right behind him, big, droopy eyes empty and jaw flexing.

Then Man followed the duo, closing the door behind him.

Sergio, alarmed, tried, “Is there aprob—”

“Time to go, Ashira,” Jas ordered.