“Jas…” a feminine voice called out in a cry.
I whipped my head back, snatching my arm from the window. Who the fuck was that? Not today, devil! I ain’t fuck with dude like that. No fighting, talking, or sparring. I only slept and shitted in here. Sometimes I ate, but mostly, I slept. This shit couldn’t go down!
Then the strokes became more intense, my hips rocking into it without my permission. I could hear the macaroni and cheese swishes, the sound that could only come from fucking or giving neck. Sucking. The sensation of a tongue rolling over and over the head of my cock while my shaft was being stroked had me torn. I should be fighting—KILLING A NIGGA! But I was as powerless as a kid. The saliva dripping from my balls had me all in: fucked up!
Then I felt lightheaded, head in a dizzy spin, and mind in a fog. The sounds grew clearer, and the massage on my shit firm, and—
Goddamn it!
I started to blow. My hips lurched in the air, intensifying the pressure. Hard breaths pushed from my stomach, jerking each time I jutted. I didn’t fully come down until I panicked.
The room was shadowy. Only the light from the hall coming through. What the fuck was I doing at the bottom of the bed assnaked—
Ashira was on her knees between my legs, shivering like a kitten. Her cheeks trailed with tears, chin wet and lips swollen.
She leaped from the floor, pouncing on me. “Oh, my god, Jas, I was so scared! Don’t ever…” She screamed, arms wrapped tight around me.
I could feel her heart out-beating mine, whole tight body trembling.
“Whatdid—you didn’t have to do that, Shi,” my voice cracked, I was so scared for her.
“I did! I did!” she continued to scream. “And I’ll do it again! Please don’t leave me like that again!”
“Shhhhh!” I rubbed her cold back. My girl curled into me, gripping me so tightly. I felt like shit. “Shhhhh!I’m here, Ashira. I’m here, baby,” I whispered over her winded sobs.
When I heard stomps approaching, I yanked the comforter, gathering as much as I could to cover her. We were both naked.
“Aye! Aye!” I called out, knowing it was Juggy.
It was too late. He was in the doorway, strapped with metal, wearing basketball shorts andTimbs. “Y’all good up here—shit!” He backed out of the doorframe, noticing I was naked. “Y’all good, capo?”
Feeling my heart go from a race to a tear, I rocked my girl tightly. “We good, fam. We good.”
Chapter 19
Part II cont’d
May | Present Day
“That’s awful, Peach,” I squawked into the phone, sincerely. “And that’s who found him?”
“Yeah. Cynthia’s mother said she feels so guilty about leaving her home with him. But that was unfair to her. Mother Pollard shouldn’t have assumed the role of caregiver for Deacon Pollard alone. Cynthia’s been supportive, which is why she encouraged her mother to go out and do something for herself.”
“Damn…” I whispered, entranced, wondering how Cynthia and her family were faring in the moment.
If I’d found my father indisposed after falling from the toilet seat, I’d be traumatized.
“Yeah. I know.” She exhaled. “I didn’t mean to get heavy, but it’s what I’ve been dealing with over the past twelve hours or so. I’m on my way home now to shower and…” Another deep sigh, “pray. I just need to release this so I can return to the family in a few hours.”
“I can dig it.” Although my prayer life was to shit, I’d recently developed a fondness to the act, even if for meditational purposes—though I knew it to be so much more. “Yeah. Do what you need to do. You know I’m always on you about finding that balance between ‘Peach’ and being that conduit you are as a preacher.”
“Thanks, girl. It’s a work in progress.”
“And I’m sure lonely. Wish you had a dick you could bounce on to help mitigate some of that energy you absorb from your constituents.”
“Shi-Shi,” she groaned into the phone.