Page 124 of Grace

He walked off and I left Jas’ hold. We silently glowered at each other as I tried to taper my tears. “It’s so hard at my age to deal with the barrage—violent storm—of emotions I feel every day over the guy I’m hopelessly falling for increasingly. And increasingly, I’m discovering the walls he has erected to not let me in. I feel alone in this. Fucking adrift, and I’m completely over it. Over the cloak-and-dagger that is Jas…whatever your real name is!”

With a flexing jaw, Jas dropped his head. “I understand. I swear to you, I do,” he droned. “I’m working every day to do better.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes, unimpressed by that weak ass declaration. Angered by my dismissive response, Jas gritted his teeth. “Adrift? I want you. I want you in a way you don’t want me, and I accept that. If that ain’t being adrift, I ‘on’t know what is. So, please work with me. Give me grace while I’m trying to open up to you. It’s hard opening my complicated shit up to a woman who has no interest in being mine in the way I want her to be. Officially. So, grace.” His head bounced softly with adamance. “A’ight. So, as I’m giving patience to whatever it is we got going on here, I need you to give me patience and understanding, too.”

I swiped a wayward tear away, shaking my head. “I need more.” My voice was weak, heart exposed and compromised. “Fuck that. I need more.”

Jas took another deep breath then reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys and handed them to me. There were two keys on a sparkling sterling silverCartierring.

“What is this?” I was all breaths and emotions.

“Me working with you. Those are the keys to my crib. Come and go as you please. Please, come…a lot.”

My belly flipped in a manner incongruent of the moment and all I could do was stare at the silver elements in my hand. I couldn’t recall ever being given the keys to a man’s home. When I peered up to meet Jas’ handsome face, cast by a shadow from the hat, he continued his heated glowering. I swallowed hard, suddenly disarmed and once again taken by his confidence and quieted knowhow. The man may have been a loose puzzle, but Jas’ action spoke of a leader.

Slowly, I saw his expression relax. It was a process given the enormity of elevated emotions just moments ago. Eventually, a smile appeared in his captivating eyes first.

“Shit,” gushed from my suspended lungs and I chortled. “I had to find out about a private plane to get the keys to your home?Ummmm…” I switched weight on my legs and pretended to scratch my scalp.

“Nah.” Jas held motionless. “It was the superb head you woke me up to yesterday. I want more of that.”

My head tossed back as I belted out the hardest laugh. Yes, I was corny as hell, being so extra, but this moment felt good.

“No, it wasn’t. You brought this key ring before this trip. Unless it’s yours.” That was another possibility.

“I was going to give it to you with your other gifts, but we got interrupted by your girls.”

Another engine sounded on theBombardier, alerting me to our limited time. I nodded, demonstrating my understanding. Jas had planned this. He’d given thought to having me around longer and therefore opening a little more. Dare I say I was happy?

My smile must have communicated the sentiment for me. Jas wrapped his arm over my shoulder and prompted me to walk toward the stairs with him where Mel was waiting patiently.

“You never said what you thought about my birthday gift to you.”

“Which one? The van or the watch?”

I’d only contributed a couple of thousand dollars to the watch when Chelsea called asking which model they should get. I added on the money to get the one I found best fitting of the man himself, considering their budget.

“Either, I guess.”

We stopped at the staircase when he turned to me. “The van was creative and the watch was thoughtful. But you,” His index finger poked the center of my chest. “were, by far, the best birthday gift I’ve ever had in life. You were a fantasy come true. This was the best time of my life…thanks to you. I’m gonna make sure not another man gets to feel what I’m feeling now. And, Shi,” My brows lifted in response, observing the flash of darkness in the flip of his pupil. “he won’t.”

Then he kissed me, conveying a thousand more words without volume.

Chapter 18

Part II cont’d

May | Present Day

“And here’s the final one.” My attorney, Larry Jones, slid over yet another document for my signature as we sat at the bar in the empty club. “It’s an environmental indemnifications document.”

Diligently, and while brimming from uncontainable excitement, I obeyed. I peered up, returning the document to a smiling Larry then beamed at my only personal companion here today sitting next to Mehki, my realtor.

“Yes, girl,” Cecil cheerfully murmured while clapping his hands quietly. I knew he was trying to keep it professional in front of strangers, closing on a business deal.

“Thank you,” I shimmied, maintaining his low volume and mild celebratory expression.

“Well, that’s it for the closing,” Mehki announced to the group of seven. “Congratulations, Ashira, on purchasing the building for your new club.”

I cheered again, relieved the process was finally over.