Page 122 of Grace

“What?” She smiled, keeping with the rhythm over me.

“Ya ex…” Ashira didn’t stop and neither did she answer. I was so high, I didn’t have enough good judgment to take that as a hint. “Yo, Shira.”

“Yes, baby.” She kissed me again, just a peck this time.

“Ya ex…”

Her strokes slowed a little. “What about the loser, babe?”

“He ain’t call you.”

“No, baby. He haseen—hasn’t called.” Ashira circled on my lap.

“I know he ain’t. ‘Cause I told him not to.”

“Okay.” She kissed me again, this time with tongue and, at first, I was with it.

But a strange thing happens in the mind when intoxicated: you still lived in real time. Issues were still present, though most times, pushed to the back. So, I could still remember her need for me to be open with her.

So, I pulled back from her soft mouth again. “Nah, Shira. You ain’t hearing me. I told that nigga not to hit you up. I had Divine get me to him.” I smiled like a goofball. “I told him that, but you used this trip to tell him about me.”

“Yes.Yess,” she whimpered, plunging down on me even faster.

Ashira was coming. When my brain finally perceived it and sent the FYI to my body, heat crept up the underside of my balls, my damn toes curled, and I shot hot and hard into her. My lungs were fucking lost when she captured my mouth again with a kiss that kept me under a spell I didn’t want out of. I groaned into her mouth, abs jerking, sending her higher in the blackness of the air.

Pushing hot breaths against my mouth, Ashira chuckled, “You came again, too. Well, at least the condom didn’t break.” I was too lost to find her amusement. She didn’t wait for me to either. “One more time,” she panted, heavy dollops of rain escaping between our faces. “One more time in case it’s supposed to thunder out here, too.”

Trying to catch my breath and keep the rain from my eyes, I nodded hard, down for whatever she wanted. I was her producer. My brain had given up in real time. Nothing else mattered at that point, but Shi-Shi.

The scenery turned industrial, cueing me in to our arrival at the airport. They drove too fast and reckless for the countryside roads for me. As much as I’d enjoyed my time in St. Vincent, I didn’t want my last days to be here.

Speaking of which, I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit to feeling guilty as hell. For as much trouble as I’d gone to, to change the location of Jas’ birthday yesterday, the day turned out to be wilder than expected. I had no idea his cousin, Jonathan, would have drugs there. Honestly, it wasn’t so bad because it was just marijuana. But I hated that Jas accidentally ingested it. He didn’t deserve that. Jas had been the only guy I’d “dated” who didn’t indulge in anything. Yesterday, he even declined a shot for his birthday. Then the poor guy ended up intoxicated all night. It was fun and because of that singular fact, I felt like shit. A high Jas was adventurous and loose.And he was a fucking sex god. Oh, my god. The many times he came last night—the countless times I’d orgasmed was one for the books.

I closed my eyes, rolling them behind my lids in frustration. I needed to be with Jas this morning. Like me, he got little sleep. When we finally left the beach last night, it was almost five in the morning. We showered together because I didn’t want to leave him alone for a second—I think. Afterward, Jas fell completely out, snoring to incredible volumes, something I’d never seen of him.

With little energy myself, I tried packing his clothes. I even checked the drawers in the bedroom and bathroom to ensure had he woke up this morning with a foggy brain, at least those fine details would have been covered. By the time I was done, I lay down next to Jas in the bed, allowing the rhythm of his chest to lure me to sleep, the sound of his raucous snoring be damned. And in the blink of an eye, Becky was knocking on the door, telling me our ride had arrived to take us back to the resort to wash and pack before coming here to the airport. I was operating on less than two hours of sleep and guilt.

“Wait,” Corinne spoke up. “Why are we turning into this lot and not the main entrance of the airport?”

“Because, ma’am,” the driver replied with a thick Caribbean accent. “‘tis is where I was told your flight leaves from.”

“Are you sure?” Shizu challenged him, going into her phone for the instructions from Jas. “We’re hardly on time. We can’t afford to miss this flight.”

Corinne was already looking in hers. “He doesn’t say which gate or airline.”

The ladies’ questioning eyes were on me when the driver assured, “You’re right here, ma’am.”

We turned into a gate where there were a few small jets and larger planes. There were also a few cars parked not too far from some of the aircrafts. I knew this scene. We didn’t belong here.

“Sir, where did you get your instructions from?” I asked, now challenging his confidence. Shizu was right. We were running against the clock.

“Ma’am,” his tone a little forceful just as we neared a few familiar silhouettes standing next to a large plane. “We are here. Do you see thisBombardierright here?”

He was right. I could make outEllis Bombardieron the plane Jas and his friends and family stood next to, seemingly speaking with a captain.

“Holy shit!” Shizu must have recognized them, too. “Are we flying home private?”

“Well, I’ll be damn,” Corinne hissed.