Page 119 of Grace

“The nigga was just paying homage to the track he wrote about paying homage.” Man came through for the layup just before the final buzzer.

I could see her chest rise and fall in heavy heaves as she processed our words. Ashira’s eyes measured the room. Each second we waited, my balls and armpits literally secreted uncontrollably.

Chapter 17

Part II cont’d

May | Present Day

Mercy. Mercy. Mercy...

I prayed, silently watching for her final reaction.

Grace wasn’t appropriate in this instance. I’d lied to my girl, something I hadn’t done and told her I didn’t and wouldn’t do to her. I’d done wrong by her and God. But right now, she wasn’t ready for my ugliness. She didn’t deserve my truth in this fashion. Breaking Ashira’s heart wasn’t what I’d ever wanted to do. She’d kicked off my birthday by sucking my dick to awaken me this morning. Now, while I was no fool to believe that was her first blow, I also had to believe Ashira didn’t go around sucking niggas’ dicks casually. If she had, mine would’ve been waxed by her pillowy lips long before today. This was fucked up. This was why I knew bringing my family down here wasn’t a good idea. I was losing my shit in a way I hadn’t since my pops had a hold on my subconscious as a young pup.

God, please. Suspend your mercy upon this room…

And within seconds, the beautiful features of her face settled, relaxing. Slowly, they transformed into a jovial expression. Ashira leaned down over me, gunning for the piece of pancake I had suspended in the air since the moment I’d become aware of her strong compelling presence like everyone else. She moved in seductively and ate from my fork.

“Mmmm…” She licked her lips and chewed. “Maple syrup!” Then she kicked her long, toned leg between the table and me and planted herself in a straddling position on my lap. That’s when I noticed her black bathing suit although she wore short shorts with it. Only, embroidered on Ashira’s chest was “Sin’s #1.”

Relief washing over me and still reeling from what had almost gone down, I was too overwhelmed to react to her thoughtfulness. Instead, I gushed, “Is that what kind it is? I knew there was a kick to it,” my heart pounding rowdily in my fucking chest.

“Yup,” her lips popped at thePin the word. Then, returning to her celebratory performance, Ashira rolled her body over me with agility, one arm back in the air. “My body burns for this decadent boss nigga.” She twirled her neck then twerked on me again as the table went up in a roar.

Then Ashira grabbed me at the sides of my face, something I’d come to realize was her thing, and kissed me with her tongue. Everything went silent and unmoving all around me, and I fell weak, kissing her back, withholding nothing. That’s what this suburban chick did to me. Our tongues swirled against one another’s hungrily until she pulled back.

She stared me dead in the eyes, the tension in her face reminding me of her expression less than an hour ago when I was pounding into her sweet pussy, balls slapping against the fat of her ass. The flash memory warming my fucking blood until I wanted her all over again. While staring her in the eyes, a deep growl lurched from my damn belly.

Then the bubble burst and I heard the explosion at the table, a string of profanities, snapping me into the here and now.

I couldn’t decipher who barked, “Damn, Sin!”

“Fuck, that’s hot!” I knew came from Becky.

“Get a damn room!” I believed came from Sheema.

So many remarks about a private matter, I still hadn’t become accustomed to. Ashira’s radiant smile teased me, adding to the reality that she’d revealed my intense sensuality to my family, outed my true animalistic nature as it related to her powerful aura.

A helpless smile I didn’t deserve broke out over my face, intensifying the reaction of the room. But I didn’t give a shit, I was crazy about this girl. My dick was hard, ready for her. All of my insecurities from minutes earlier had dissipated under Ashira’s magic. Right now, even if we didn’t fuck, I needed her alone with me.

I slid us back in the chair, away from the table, and grabbed her at the hips to stand. My dick was brick hard and no one needed to know, but her. And Ashira very well did. She felt me against her hot pussy. Laughing deliriously, she wrapped her legs and arms around me.

“Got me open in front of my damn family. Let’s go!” I grumbled, carrying her out the room for the water. Anywhere alone. I shouted over my shoulders, “Yo, Jonathan! Don’t play pharmacist in here! Keep them drugs away from this house!”

“Man, I got you!” he returned as I carried my girl away.

The day went by almost in a blur, at the promise of “Shi-Shi’s entertainment.” We started at the pool, blasting music and swimming. To my surprise, there was a gang of big ass balloons everywhere, making it an official celebration. A banner hanging from the deck reading, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIN!” blew in the wind. All around the property were stick signs with the hashtag, “Sin’s NO IG Birthday Bash.” I wouldn’t know what that meant until later on.

Nonetheless, I was able to get Ashira and her girl’s passport information to Ava and received confirmation for them being able to get in on our flight home tomorrow while celebrating. I shared the information with the girls and they were able to map out plans to meet us at the airport before Becky got too wasted to care. She was hilarious; sweet, too.

Eventually, the crowd made it to the beach where there were more of the same signs. This was all Ashira, I knew it. Yeah, I was sure Man, Jug, and possibly even Chels assisted, but all at the request of Ashira. It’s what she and her crew did. They had elaborate, college-level festive celebrations. Proof of that was the small yacht waiting for us in the water. We took small motor boats to board it. Everyone with a vice or two in their hands, be it beer, wine,Hennessy, or a blunt. Ashira had a glass ofMauveand a stogie, and I had her: my vice and blessing all wrapped in five feet and eight inches.

We sailed the Caribbean, cruising through the lively waves. Somewhere around there, another revelation dawned on me. Ashira had orchestrated this whole thing: the gifts, gift time—some shit my family didn’t do, not great at expressing their feelings through sobby celebratory words—the bathing suits, the balloons, catered food, a yacht ride. All of it. This was her, Ashira putting her touchstone on my life.

I glanced at her dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Off the Wall” with both occupied hands in the air. Catching her expressive vibes while dancing, interpreting the energy from the song, I’d quickly declared it my favorite track by the king of pop. Everyone else watched her infectious carefree spirit and fell right in line. The girl was magic, lightning in a damn bottle. I could get used to this. Could facilitate the lifestyle she needed to be free and fun just like this whenever she wanted.

Even when the yacht docked in the middle of the water and a wibit and inflatable slide appeared, my mind was blown by the endlessness of her mind. A well-read man myself, I’d never even heard of a wibit. It was a clear demonstration of my lack of culture. Ashira and her crew taught my family and me how to have fun in a damn bouncy house in the middle of the ocean. And it was fun. Sliding down from twenty feet in the air into the water carried a thrill I’d never felt. Of course, Tanya and Sheema didn’t participate, too scared of the water. They stayed on the yacht with the drinks, food, and music, taking flicks.