Page 116 of Grace

“So you want a platinum, emerald diamond?”

Studying the earrings, I nodded. “Yeah. But these have some—oh, wow!” Engraved into the infinity symbol were our names: Jas on one loop and Ashira on the other. “This is so sweet.”

“And meaningful.”

I glanced up at him. “Infinitymean—”

“Forever.” The exaggerated movement of his lips to fully enunciate the word sent an incredible chill down my spine. A sensation coated my skull as it tightened over my brain.

“Forever means…?”

“How it’s defined in the dictionary. I plan on being around forever.”

“Which means?” My eyes narrowed and neck twisted slightly to the left.

God, I was a fucking asshole. But I couldn’t help it.

“It means get used to never fuckin’ another man for the rest of your life.And Imeanever—” There was a knock at the door. “Yo!” Jas shouted.

“Oh, hey!” a small voice sounded on the other side. “We’re here! I have Shi-Shi’s things.” That was my Shizu. I could identify that voice anywhere.

“Coming, Shizu!” I called out to her. “One sec! I’m just in here getting pre-proposed to!”

“What?!” That was Becky.

Jas’ deathly glare never left my face. There was so much to unpack here, but the time wasn’t right. We had to go. There were people ready to celebrate the birthday boy. So, immediately, I thought to put the earrings on in my second lobe-hole. “You need to put on some clothes. I don’t do community peen with my girls. And they’re dying to confirm your measurements.”

Jas’ chin dropped and face wrinkled with incredulity. “What?”

“We’ve gotta go, birthday boy. I need to shower. Go have breakfast with your family. I’m sure they’ve been waiting on you.”

Jas snorted. “I doubt they’re awake.” He stood from the bed.

“It’s your birthday. All day, which means it will be fun. All day. Shi-Shi will make sure of that. And by the way,” I spoke while he gaited to the closet. “Thanks for gifting me on your birthday.” Jas nodded his acknowledgment of my gratitude without a glance my way. “One last thing!” This time, Jas did stop and peered at me. “What’s your full name?”

Pulling in a breath, his eyes rolled adorably in the air. “Ashira,” he grunted, continuing until he disappeared into the closet.

As I sat at the table eating and in the middle of texting, realization hit. It was crazy. All the women wore the same black bathing suits with “Sin’s 33rd” in gold embroidery. Even Tanya’s mean ass was all smiles in hers. It was good to see after finding out she’d stubbed her toe, swinging on Antoine when he was flirting with a girl on the beach last night after I’d gone to bed. I was happy she was happy now. I didn’t need that drama out here. And I’d hoped her good mood would continue when Ashira got down here. She’d still been upstairs with her girls, getting dressed for the day.

When I came downstairs after leaving Ashira, Becky, and the Asian girl whose name I needed to commit to memory, my family and Ashira’s girl, Corrine, were all in the living room waiting and shoutedhappy birthdayas I plopped down the stairs. It soon became evident that they all gathered to give gifts.

My gifts.

Man presented me with keys and the title to a brand new Audi R8 Spyder. As my family oooh’d and ahhhh’d at the gesture, he pounded his chest.

“That muthafucka’s being delivered to ya crib today!” His expression tight, holding back his bubbling emotions. It’s what we did.

Jug’s gift was the deed to land with eight brand new condos in North Caldwell. All the units had been sold with an option to buy by the tenants.

“Oh, fuck!” Chrissy, Chelsea’s girl, jumped up and down. “He gets paid whether they’re rented or purchased full out. This is some real Black ass boss shit happening right before our eyes!” She was able to explain to the room just what the gift was and was right.

My niggas and I gifted wealth now. Clothes, jewelry, and footwear were all cool, but there were many nights we dreamed of investing and blessing each other. We’d reached that season in our lives years ago when I was in prison. I’d gifted them land, vehicles, and investment lots just as Divine had me. We were of a new culture now, and I guessed it was kind of cool that my family got to experience it.

“Sin, my nigga, from the pissy hallways to buildings. From the block to Harlem. From Harlem to the Tri-state. From the first M to the FEDs.” His voice trembled with bubbled passion. I wanted Juggy to let that bid shit go. I did it, he held me down, and I was now home on my king shit. Ashira confirmed my supremacy this morning, waking me up with my cock in her mouth. It was over. I’d survived. We were here. “To more Ms and endless opportunities.” He raised his bottle of Mauve in the air. “From Harlem, always wit’ that Harlem Pride, to life.”

“Aye!” I cheered.

At the same time, Man and I chanted, “Always with that Harlem Pride!”