Page 115 of Grace

“It is.”

“It ends with pictures of you in prison.”

“It does.”

“But life didn’t end while you were in there. You’re not still in there.”

“I copped this from my moms a few days ago to share with you today.” He shrugged. “She probably stopped collecting pictures of me because I haven’t taken many since being home. I work all the time.”

“You do work hard. But you…” I tried to think. “…spend time with your family. Look. They’re with you now for your birthday.”

“They’re with me for my birthday because of you. You planned all of this.”

“But they would have done something back in Harlem if I didn’t mention a destination birthday.”

“If you didn’t lie about planning one with my ‘boss.’” He used air quotations.

“I was mad.” I pouted like a child, not caring about risking my dignity. “You never shared your birthdate with me.”

“A’ight.” He inhaled deeply. “We not ‘bout to rehash that argument. It’s incongruent to the moment. We’re here now. I’m sharing with you. Yesterday, I told you I want you and today, I’m sharing something that reveals what my life’s been like. It’s like a highlight reel.”

“I know,” I murmured. My eyes brushed over the album. I guessed I could see his point. “And I thank you for this. I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate it. It’s just that your life—who I feel you to be—is so much bigger than this photo album. It stops at prison. When I see you, I don’t see a felon. I mean, yeah, I guess I believe your story about having been there, but I’ve yet to meet the nefarious felon.”

Locked into my eyes, he murmured, “And I pray to God you never will. That’s my past.” He pointed to the album. “I’m working on my future.” He pointed to me.

Then he reached down, off the bed near his feet, and brought back a redCartierbag. I didn’t know what to think at first. Jas pulled out a large square, red leather box and handed it to me.

“Ooooh!” I sang, shimmying my shoulders. “Theredbox. What do we have here?”

I pushed in the gold knob and the lid ascended, revealing a necklace. “The diamonds.” I peered up to him. “It’s very pretty.”

“Juste un Clou.”

“Yeah. I know. I love that line,” I whispered, lost in awe. “Please put it on.”

Jas retrieved it from the box and I leaned over to let him fasten it beneath my braids. When I straightened, I lifted the golden pendant with diamonds, though I couldn’t really see it from this view.

I leaned over toward him again, pulling him in for another kiss, muttering, “Seven thousand dollars on my neck. This is a first. Thank you, Jas.” He kissed me back, warming my core.

Jas reached back inside the bag, pulling out another box. This one was purple with gold detail. I knew this jeweler, too. My heart began to race in unwanted anticipation.


Jas only responded with a flexing jaw and determined eyes. A step aboveTiffany & Co.,Andreatta’s Promiseswas renowned for their rings.Engagement rings. So many celebrities bought their physical representation of forever from this place. This was clearly a ring sized box. I knew the man was off about his desire for marriage, but was Jas this off about me? I mean… I liked him—god, I more than “liked” this man. To me, my feelings were irrationally advanced for Jas. I’d just gotten out of a four-year relationship for crying out loud. A relationship with a man I thought of considerably less than I did Jas on any given day.

But a proposal?

My palms were misty when he handed the box over, mouth dessert-level dry. My hands trembled as I paid him a final glance before our god-inspired rendezvous would be forever changed. Holding my breath, I detached the button and lifted the lid. I could hear my pulse in my head, I was so damn nervous. Inside was—were…earrings. They were infinity posts.

“Platinum. I hope you ain’t allergic.” His face was still set in stone.

“You’re nervous about giving me a pair of earrings?” In this moment, I should have been relieved, but instead I felt a sting of rejection. It was illogical, but hey; so were my feelings for him.

When he didn’t answer, I laughed because his lack of words provided an answer.

“You were scared, thinking there was a ring in there.”

I tried to contain my humor. “I won’t lie. I did think there was a cut hollow emerald in here. But thankfully all you got right was the metal!” I cheesed.