Page 84 of Love & Betrayal

“Sounds good. Sutton already fed everyone eggs and pancakes.” She stifled a yawn.

“That sounds tasty. I’ll be back in a bit.” I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Ruffling her dark hair, I smiled at her. I was elated that she was safe with me.

I strolled into the kitchen to find Sutton sitting at the table with her laptop.

“Hey.” She closed the lid, then rose from the chair. “How did you sleep?”

“Good. Probably one of the best rests I’ve had in a long time.” I pursed my lips. “Zayne left me a note that he had to leave.”

Sutton placed a hand on top of her belly. “Yeah. It happens sometimes.”

“How far along are you?” I opened the white cabinet and gathered a bright blue mug.

“Seven months. Claire is a few weeks behind me.”

“I bet everyone is excited.” I grabbed the coffee pot and filled my cup before I sat down at the table.

Sutton opened the oven door and removed a plate of eggs and pancakes. “Your breakfast is still warm.” She set the food in front of me. “Try to eat.” After she gathered clean silverware, she joined me. “I wanted to talk to you about a few things while Ashley is with the other girls.”

“Okay.” Stabbing my scrambled eggs, I popped a big bite into my mouth. “Wow, these are really good. Where did you learn to cook like this?”

Sutton leaned back in her chair. “My grandma and my best friend, Vaughn.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize you and Vaughn were that close.” I cut a small piece of my pancake and nibbled on it, then collected the syrup from the center of the worn, dark wood table.

“I’m close with Zayne, too. Vaughn and I just hit it off when we were in high school, and even the years they were in the military and I wasn’t around, Vaughn either called or wrote me a short letter every week. He updated me on how he was doing and listened when I cried on his shoulder about my life.” Sutton tucked her long, blonde hair behind an ear.

“I’m not sure what you’re planning for Ashley, but if you’re okay with me weighing in, I would like to.” She drummed her fingers against her small round belly.

“Of course. I trust you.” I continued to eat, chewing slowly in hopes that I would keep my food down.

“There are families that we can place Ashley with that are in the Witness Protection Program.”

My hand froze mid-air, trembling. “I won’t be able to see her.” I set my silverware on the side of my plate. I’d just lost my appetite.

“I realize it would be super hard, but until we are certain that you’re safe, keeping Ashley with you puts her in danger, too. I suspect you would feel like shit if someone took or hurt her while she was living with you.”

I shook my head. “I guess I hadn’t thought about it. In my mind, she would always live with me.” I bit my lip as my heart and head wrestled. “Will I be able to have any communication with her at all?” Tears welled up in my eyes, and I turned away.

Sutton placed her hand over mine and squeezed it. “No. We’re hoping it will only be for a year. I have a family that I think will be a great fit, but you’ll have to agree since she’s a minor. In extreme circumstances like these, the FBI and WITSEC can grant you temporary custody to help protect her.”

I sucked in a breath as my heart lodged itself in my throat. “I hate this. For some stupid reason, I thought we would be okay once we left. But you’re right. Donovan and my parents will never stop looking for me. I know too many of the men they work with.”

“I wish I could say you aren’t in danger anymore, but that’s not the case. It will be difficult but try to hold on a little longer. I can’t imagine how awful this is for you and Ashley, but unfortunately, I’ll need an answer today.”

“Today?” I croaked, unwilling to let Ashley go so soon.

“We have to move everyone out tonight. We never stay in one place too long. You and Ashley will, of course, come with us, but if you agree, we would meet with a marshal on the way to the next safehouse. As soon as a few more things are taken care of, then the girls will go home or be placed with good foster families.”

I wiped the tears from my cheeks. “I know it’s the right thing to do, I just …” I stared at the half-eaten food on my plate. “I just can’t stand to say goodbye again.” My shoulders shook with my sobs as Sutton pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m so sorry, hon. Maybe if you plan for her coming home, it will help. Figure out where you want to live, someplace in a nice neighborhood, with an excellent school district and friends nearby. It might give you something to look forward to.”

I sniffled. “It’s a good idea.”

“Also, we haven’t had much time to talk, but you have a nice sum of money in an offshore account.” Sutton grinned, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “You’re set for life.”

“Won’t Donovan miss it?”